Lith Has A Reputation To Save

Langerhan city, Nightingale.

The carriage stopped in a lonely valley situated between two towering mountain peaks. There was nothing special about this place and travellers would usually just neglect it.

Had the archives not stated the exact location of the hidden dungeon, even Lith would've skipped it.

Along with his three maids, he searched for a small rock with a hexagram inscribed on it.

It took quite some time, but it was eventually found out. It was Luna who got it.

"Good job, Luna." Lith said with a smile. "Here, you can wear your panties back now."

Luna took the panties and pouted. To others this may seem like a relief, but to her it was no less than a punishment. She wanted to be available at all times to her Prince!

Lith chuckled knowing exactly what was going on in her head. He didn't respond to it though.

Lith took the rock and threw it randomly on the mountain in front of him.