Scamming Some Adventurers

Inside the hidden dungeon, the adventurers were running around like headless chickens.

It was not because they were clueless, but because…



"OWWWWW!" A burly adventurer holding a long sword yelled as something hit his butt.

The same situation was with everybody on this level of the dungeon and they had little to no idea how to deal with it.

Lith and his maids had climbed up many floors of the dungeons and were currently standing in a hidden passage, looking at all these guys getting beaten up by a swarm of spectres.

The spectres were tricky to handle as they were like ghosts. They didn't have a body and touching them with normal weapons was a near impossible task. Add to that, they were also appearing in and out of existence, giving a hard time for everybody to grasp this situation.