Backlash Of A Legendary Rank Contract

Keith and Timeless both were speechless by the stupid comment from Lith. If he didn't look handsome, he would've just seemed like a third-rate creepy young master to the two.

Their gazes didn't go unnoticed by Lith. He chuckled and instead of clearing their misunderstanding, said, "I've saved you two's life. How are you going to repay me?"

The two red-haired ladies frowned upon hearing that. 

"We didn't ask you to save us," said Keith. The last thing she ever needed was someone's favour. 

Lith chuckled like a true young master and got up. Walking towards Keith and Timeless, he stopped when he was a foot away from them.

"I did it nevertheless. Now you're indebted to me. For my repayment, let's see…" Lith eyed the two creepily, making them frown harder.

Keith was about to attack Lith, but couldn't. Her body seemed to be glued to her daughter and she wasn't able to break the hug.