Lith Awakens Abilities

Lith was a hundred years old already. 

Time had passed so quickly. 

To Lilith, it felt as if it was just yesterday that she gave him birth, then did his first feeding session, and went out in the Merchant district to have him roam around.

She had watched every second of his life and was proud to see him come this far.

Although this was just the very beginning, her baby had grown quite a lot in these hundred years, both physically and mentally.

Things would start to get difficult from here onwards and although she wished that he wouldn't do something like Lucy, she knew in her heart that it was inevitable.

Just like how Lucy had ventured out to pursue strength and faced many near-death situations, Lith was sure to do it as well.

She hated to see her children suffer, but knew that it's just the natural course of life.

If Lith and Lucy both stayed cooped up in the castle, they won't grow or have fun whatsoever.