Fate and Destiny are back

The man in a suit that Hecate was seeing, he appeared really dignified. His calm demeanor seemed to be the complete opposite of his fiery red hair.

"I wonder what business a Queen Witch has with me so suddenly." The man said calmly after settling down.

Hecate looked at him and said, "Greetings, Duke Crimson."

The Duke chortled softly. "Such manners, truly a terrifying trait you guys possess."

One thing the world knew with guarantee about the Witches, it was to never trust them. 

Just like how Hecate was so polite right now, the same was the case with the other Witches. They were super polite but no one knew what poison was lying within the sugary fruit they handed out.

Hecate ignored the Duke's comment. It was normal for people to doubt them.

"Duke Crimson, have you been well?" Hecate asked calmly and took a sip of her wine.

Duke Axis Crimson was taken aback by this question. It sounded like a foreboding to something bad.