Sealed Egos

Gods and their egos.

From Xue, Lith realized how funny this thing was. A person who had ascended far enough to the very pinnacle had to have such a stupid restriction on him.

A God, since they would never die and would continue to live on for billions of trillions of years, they had to put a restriction on their egos and seal it to a certain point of their life to keep themselves sane.

Meaning, a God would never change character until and unless he sets his ego free and goes through the experience of his entire lifetime until the present time.

The experiences were far too vast and the trauma, the pain; everything would surface and the God would need to go through it again. It was really torturing and there was no guarantee of survival while experiencing these things again.

Gods thus sealed their egos to one happy point of their life, which would let them stay sane.