Milking A Kuroi*

Nothing much had to be done to call a Kuroi as there were a few present in the council complex.

Everybody drank at least two or three glasses of milk every single day and this just showed how much it was needed.

There was a small building in the corner of the complex that was supposedly the break room where people could relax.

It was Milia who went to call the Kuroi and soon entered the elders' room with her.

What Lith ended up looking at was another good looking lady, but this time with much bigger milkers than any of the people in this room.

These big breasts, although much bigger than even his aunt Agalea's, didn't seem ugly in any way. They weren't abnormally big like those described in anime and were just the right size to be lewded.

After entering the room, the Kuroi didn't have any abnormal reaction despite looking at everyone naked and the elder sitting on a young man's lap.