Unique Ability: Soul Splitter

In the coming few days, whenever someone tried to test Lith, they were given a major blow by getting a vast majority of their riches taken away.

There was no way Lith was going to lose to the people of this world. He was a completely superior species in comparison to the Human race and also had a profound mastery in various martial arts.

A good beating was given to many and word about Lith spread like wildfire everywhere.

The number of stupid people who wanted to mess with Lith turned smaller in number and with this, some problems were fixed.

A week after King Nishkavert's death, Lith finally was able to sit down and rest.

Most had stopped attacking him and learnt their lessons while the ones that still weren't in the know of his strength and belonged to different kingdoms were taken care of by his maids.

Milia and Joselyn were strong warriors so they were sent out to take care of these people.