Successfully Manipulating A Kid

Another month passed by.

It had been so many days since Lith was together with the green-haired kid that by now, this little creature was used to his presence and had begun liking it.

By now, there was no suspicion left against this kid that Lith had, for everything was confirmed with proof.

This chubby kid definitely belonged to the enemy camp—the demons. He had been consistently trying to check what the people here had been up to and tried to either run away or establish a connection with the demons.

Lith wanted to believe that this kid was a powerhouse, but with how the kid acted, which was just like a normal child, Lith could not properly guess.

There was a lot of immaturity expressed by the kid and for some reason, he also made a 'baat' sound whenever he was annoyed, frustrated, or just too stimulated.

Lith was starting to have fun poking this guy as he would make such funny sounds. He also seemed cute overall and reminded Lith of Ren.