Defenses Are Up

Shouts resonated throughout the city centre of Dushkarbor. Many weren't happy with Lith's reign and criticized his decisions.

Even though the people of this world weren't smart enough, they had the basic human tendency of disagreeing and getting into conflict for the strangest of reasons.

There was a saying that one couldn't please everybody and that was true. One really couldn't.

To the ones who were protesting and trying to show Lith his place, what Lith did in response was simply execute them.

Their bodies cut apart on the spot, that's it. No mercy whatsoever.

This sudden response from him caught everybody off guard and made them run away.

From this point onwards, fear was instilled in the hearts of the one that wished to oppose Lith.

People realized why and how he was able to defeat the King and then the rest of the monarchs of the world. Fear was an all time high among everyone after this incident.