Cautious And Prepared

The smell was the reason for Lith's panic, for it was not merely a foul smell, but a poisonous one at that.

If inhaled, people were bound to die and so far, the smell was yet to reach the fortress or any of the people within it.

Lith could only smell it due to his enhanced senses and after the initial panic, immediately walked over the edge of the watchtower and shouted:


Lith's shout was loud enough to be heard by everyone in Dushkarbor, including the warrior girl Milia who was currently standing on top of the fortress walls and watching the giants run towards them.

Lith's shout made her tremble as it was a really powerful sound. She immediately ran on the fortress walls in a particular direction that was equipped with artillery.

Lith watched her from above the watchtower and in just a few seconds, saw her reach a group of people standing around wooden artillery.