Lucifer’s Panic

The Demon Castle.

Lith teleported out of the teleportation circle and no more than two steps into the Demon Castle, he saw the short greenish blue haired secretary of his aunt.

This was Adriel who had piercings, tattoos, and wore a formal shirt and pants. She had her hair trimmed thinly from one side and looked really cool.

Adriel looked at Lith and bowed. "Welcome, Your Highness The Vampire Prince."

Lith nodded lightly in response and asked, "Is aunt home?"

"Yes." Adriel answered.

Lith nodded and asked her to lead the way.

The two walked down the hallway of the Demon Castle and reached outside Lucifer's room.

Adriel bowed and stated that Lith should go on his own from here.

Lith opened the door and found the room to be really dim. He had a general idea as to what may be going on here and thus, walked right in and closed the door.