The Freaky Duchess Rivera*

[Warning: Contains Yuri. Discretion is advised.]


Adelstein Territory.

"HUSHYAAA!" A noble, tall, elegant, and brutish yet sexy looking lady, exclaimed. Her body bending down along with her hand.

"Rock-paper-scissors!" The tall and elegant Duchess Rivera exclaimed, in a not so elegant fashion.

"Rock-paper-scissors!" Another voice was heard in the room, coming from a long brown-haired lady with seductive curves.





The two ladies playing Rock-Paper-Scissors were none other than the Duchess Rivera Adelstein and the Supreme Rank Array Master Vanessa Brown.

As of this round, Vanessa seemed to have lost, bringing great joy to the Duchess.

Rivera laughed evilly after her win and walked right behind Vanessa. She bent her down and having her big butt protrude out…


"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Vanessa exclaimed in pain as she got spanked.