The Cursed Child’s Legend

Long long ago, a frustrated immortal emperor terrorized the world, his tyranny horrifying every living being.

Oppressed and helpless, the subjects prayed to a higher power to have their suffering end.

Through this higher power, the subjects learned that the immortal emperor was childless. The empress was unable to conceive, and in pain, the emperor turned into a tyrant.

Once the subjects realized the problem, they went straight to the Goddess of Life.

The Goddess of Life heard the people's plight and stated, "Oh mortals, the tyrant hath wrought countless vile deeds. The weight of his malevolent karma is immense, and scant remains for salvation."

The subjects felt their hopes shatter hearing that and begged the Goddess to give them some solution.

The Goddess of Life was saddened, but could do nothing in the end, for the emperor's bad karma was too high.