Mayzin’s Words Have Weight And Value

Dracula Castle, Milano.

"Phew. He didn't do anything stupid." Fiona gently wiped the sweat on her forehead with a cloth and said as she watched Dennis on the screen defeat the old lady, then rested in the Bakers' City Embercrest, awaiting the Prince's arrival.

In this world, there was nothing that stressed Fiona more than her own son.

His way of doing things was really stupid at times and way out of the norm. They were so bad that even a dumb person took better paths than him.

It was not that Fiona didn't love her son. She loved him with all her heart and soul, he was her everything… but that didn't mean she would go along with his dumb shenanigans.

Every child had the right to freely soar high in the skies after they got their wings. Fiona let Dennis do whatever he wanted as well.

However, despite having wings, this idiot was choosing a path to crawl.

How was she supposed to stay calm while this happened!?