Lith’s Speculations

Flames raged in a crystal prison.

This was the gem beneath the bed of rocks Lith harvested.

Contained within the red gem were blinding white flames, burning even an immortal's hands that touched it.

With great difficulty, Lith held it in his palms and grunted due to the intense heat spreading from his palms towards his whole body.

Within seconds, he felt as if his whole body was lit on fire and grunted.

Dennis, Shi, and Hyunsuk who watched the scene were silent. They could feel the intense heat from afar, it went without a doubt how problematic it would be to hold the gem.

Gritting his teeth, Lith cast layers of barriers made of Earth, Wind, Water, and Light on the gem.

First, a square-shaped Wind layer enclosed the gem. It made the heat dissipate uniformly in all directions and provided proper ventilation.