The Humans Are Causing More Damage

Days passed.

It was the 21st day.

Lith, Dennis, Miwa, Hyunsuk, and Shi adventured to various places in this time and got to learn a lot of things about this world.

It was the same old church vs devils trope going on here.

The devils were rampant and harmed the humans, but the church actually caused more damage overall than them.

In the name of devil cleansing, in small rural areas, young children and beautiful women were actually r*ped.

Politics was vile and many would be executed in the name of devils.

Only in some urban areas where the population was really big did the church not cause damage.

However, even there, from the huge donations they got from people, the church had a major control over everyone.

It was democratic world but that was only on paper. The church controlled everything.

Unlike the church, the devils were actually doing good work.