About The Dragons

Semohr, Giant Kingdom.

Within a not-so-luxurious yet cozy adventurer's inn, the scent of grilled meat wafted across the cafeteria. Adventurer's in all sorts of gear ranging from none to heavy metal ones could be seen laughing and chatting. It couldn't get livelier.

[Warning: 'That' being is in close proximity.]

[Warning: 'That' being is in close proximity.]

[Warning: 'That' being is in close proximity.]




[Warning: 'That' being is in close proximity.]

'Can you shut the fuck up?' 

Not everyone's afternoon was cheerful. Lucas's certainly wasn't as he tried his best to not throw a fit of rage and smash the table in front.

'Stop meddling with my affairs and let me do what I can to stop the apocalypse. If you don't want me to do it, cancel the apocalypse mission.'

The system's notification turned silent.