Breaking The Barrier

Ba-dump—! Ba-dump—! Ba-dump—!

Lucas's heart hammered against his ribs as he walked beside Lith and a Giant girl in the narrow entrance along with…

Lucas didn't dare think about who it was on the Vampire Prince's back. If he uncovered something he wasn't supposed to, things would be dire.

Even his system was warning him about this being. As of now, whoever was there was more powerful than the Vampire Prince himself and she was better left unprovoked.

'I need to get out of this situation as soon as possible.'

Outwardly he thought of this, but inwardly he was really happy. 

The bitch of a system was not handing him out unwanted missions. There weren't any unwanted potion injections or teleportation either. Lucas was in bliss. It was a freedom he hadn't experienced in a long time.

Walking beside him, Lith wondered what was up with this guy.