Finding A Treasure

"Huff… Huff…"

Lith was gasping for air as Mayzin set him free. 

She looked around and found herself in a dungeon. In front of her, two ladies had their eyes red and were staring back at her.

'I seem to have seen her before…'

There was a certain moment where Mayzin had woken up. She didn't remember when, but she recalled looking at this woman's eyes and having a strange power stare back at her.

'If only I was awake…'

Even though she might've woken up in the middle of her power nap, her memory about it was hazy. Being a Dragon, her personality was tuned to sleeping whenever it was possible and hunting for treasures.

It may sound like a stereotype, but sadly, Mayzin checked all the boxes and was a typical Dragon true to her nature. There was no helping it.

'Now, where is it…'