Times Were Changing

"...Truly, we are grateful for your grace from the bottom of our hearts."

In front of Lith, four Giants were kneeling, with two being ladies and two men.

Watching such a scene, anyone would be embarrassed and ask the elders to not bow like that.

Humility and modesty were virtues most people with common sense had. Lith wasn't an exception to it, but being of nobility, he was trained to not feel embarrassed over such matters.

"Please lift your heads," Lith said in a calm tone and got the formalities over with.

Nika, her aunt, her father, and grandfather stopped kneeling and got up to see Lith.

They were all smiles and felt not the slightest bit of shame for thanking him like that.

Lith was in the living room of Nika's house.The size of it was as much as a five-storey tall building. It's no wonder why the Giants made everything out of stone cheap materials.