Even Geniuses Have Problems

Two days remained till the Giants' submission to the Dragon Empress.

Lith was still in the middle of the human graveyard, training.

He wasn't wearing a shirt and was practicing martial arts. His long hair was gone. What remained on his head was voluminous messy hair with a closely cropped underside. 

As he moved, his hair swayed along while his bangs parted to the side, revealing his beautiful pair of calm amethyst eyes.

Something within him had changed ever since he saw the young child's body. His demeanor turned more serious and mature as a sense of responsibility hung on his shoulders.

Cutting hair for him meant starting anew, having a fresh start, a new journey.  

There were fond memories with his long hair. His mother, sister, and wives used to braid it for fun while locking his upper body between her legs. It also made him appear like a proper cultivator.