Lizbeth's Heaven And Hell (4)

Outside a classic aristocratic mansion, a girl in a lab coat wearing thin framed round glasses stood still.

Her hands inside the lab coat's pockets were trembling and her breathing was erratic.

A lingering fear loomed in her heart as she looked at the mansion.

–If you live long enough, you'll find us one day.

Words her mother had said the day before she left returned to her. Those words still hurt her, but they also gave her hope. Hope that one day she could return to them and have a normal life.

If she couldn't get that, she hoped to at least find an answer to why her parents abandoned her at such a young age.

The young Lizbeth walked towards the mansion's gates amidst the chattering noises of the people around.

As she reached it, she found herself surrounded by multiple gazes. She tried her best to ignore those and pushed the gate open, shocking the spectators.

"To think someone would barge in like that…"