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After Don talks to Lord Luther about the matter surrounding the little boy, Lord Luther pondered for a moment before saying "There is nothing wrong with the glasses and there is nothing wrong with the little boy for now even after he woke up. Let's observe him for now and groomed him to become a servant of the castle so that you can observe him closely"

Don nodded and replied, "Yes my Lord, based on the hearing device that I set up in the room, he just remember his name for now and his name is Bobby Wan".

"I will gather the scout teams and ask them to search for any information about the boy name Bobby Wan in the kingdom and our spy at another kingdom"

Before Lord Luther replied, there is a boy around 12 years old with spiky red hair who come to him and ask cheerfully. "Dad, Dad, Dad can I follow you to hunting later on? I'm bored with all those etiquette learning"

"It is a necessity for us noble to learn the etiquette so that we can differentiate ourselves from the savage that just uses brute force with anything they do. Hans.. all need to nobles learn it, make sure you don't embarrass yourself and our family with other nobles if you don't learn etiquette properly. Furthermore, it seems Lord Sans's daughter and Lord Oliver's son are catching up with you in terms of light power

"You can follow me hunting later, but for now study all the courses that I give to you. I will ask your teacher later and if I heard that you are slacking, I will not bring you for hunting later" replied Lord Luther.

Hans nodded cheerfully and went back to his room and recalled his learning today as he don't want to miss hunting with his father later. He wants to increase his prowess of light power too as he doesn't want to fall behind by his nobles peers.


2 days later at the Bobby's room

'I'm recovering from my fatigue now, let me see what I can find out from this room and look if there is any book that I can find regarding this world and I found something suspicious about the glasses that the butler wears before, it seems there is magic power involve around it.'

Bobby rummaged around the room and try to search for any book but was startled by the sound of the door creaking. A tall old guy, Don with a black suit is coming from the door and he said: "It seems your name is Bobby Wan and after 2 days your condition is getting better now."

"From now on you will follow me and learn from me on how to become a servant on the house. You need to thanks Lord Luther to give the chance for you to stay in this house and not be kicked out. I will monitor you closely and do not do anything suspicious if you want your life intact"

After a moment, Don throw the small black suit packaging to the bed and added "Change into this cloth and come outside after you have done. I will teach you about the house and what you need to do. Make it quick".

After Don left the room, Bobby seems shocked about what happens currently as it becomes too fast to capture. He quickly changes into the cloth that was given to him by Don as he doesn't want to make the butler angry if he takes up too much time.

As Bobby come out of the room, he saw that the butler waited for him beside the door before the butler coldly said as he walked "Follow me, as you don't remember what happen to you, I just briefly said to you about the general thing"

"For starters, this is Kingdom of Anadia which is located at the center of the Asila continent. The Asila continent has five major kingdoms that have been leading the continent for 200 years."

"Does any of this ring any bell to you?" Don asks the question to Bobby in hope that he remembers the general knowledge that most of the people knew.

Unsurprisingly, Bobby shook his head as if he don't remember anything and found the general knowledge that Don said earlier as the first time he knew about it.

Bobby organized his thoughts with the information earlier and after that, he ask the butler Don "Does Lord Luther is a very important person in the kingdom? He seems to be very important as he lives with the castle this big". Bobby asks while scouring his head looking around the castle.

"Lord Luther is one of the leading noble of the kingdom and one of the strongest light lords of the continent. Lord Luther is mostly renowned as the Lord of Magma by the people. Make sure you be at utmost respectful behavior around him"

Bobby wants to ask several questions about the light power and what is the light lord but he stopped after he saw the tall, burly handsome man with his silky red hair and mustache coming down from the stairs to the hall. The man exudes strong spiritual power and pressure just by looking at him. Bobby can't help but stand straight before the man as he assumes the man is Lord Luther

"Is this the little boy from before? and he is called Bobby?" said the man.

Don also stood straight and slightly bowed before the man and he replied "Yes my Lord, he is the little boy. I bring him out to teach him about the matters on the castle on what and how to do it".

Lord Luther standing before Bobby look around him for a few minutes and said "Strange.... why don't you haven't awaken your light yet? every single person in this world has their light power after they are born". Lord Luther turn his head toward Don and ask him "Don show him your light avatar, probably he forgot and awaken his inner light power after he woke up before. He will remember it after you show the avatar that probably will familiar to him"