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Don preparing to go to his room and sleep after he is done doing daily check-ups around the castle and with all the other servants but stops when he senses something amiss in the castle.

He rushes toward the source of space disturbance as he worried if some people infiltrate the castle when Lord Luther is out to the meeting of the High Council of the Kingdom of Anadia.

Lord Luther is one of the 5 High Councils of the Kingdom of Anadia. High Council's duties are to monitor the movement of the other Kingdom in the Asila Continent and also make the decisions before presenting it to the Emperor of the Asila Continent, Emperor Duemi. Although Emperor Duemi has a vetoed power, most of the decision-maker of the kingdom is from the High Council as they also act as the vanguard of the kingdom.

As the sense from the source of space disturbance become close, Don is shocked as it comes from Bobby's room. In this past year, all movement of Bobby has been monitored and he also acts as his guardian in the meantime. Bobby's attitude in this past year is decent and there is nothing suspicious with Bobby's behavior so far.

Don becomes worried and breaks open Bobby's room as the space disturbance has become more and more dangerous. He roars "Bobby!! what happen here? why is there space disturbance here".

He checks around the area and there is condensed black energy surrounding Bobby that will break out at any moment now. The pale face of Bobby with the vein bulge showing in his forehead and at his left arm to his finger increase the uneasiness of Don.

After some time, he notices the magic circle of domain behind Bobby around the wall, and Don shout "STOP!!! you don't have light power yet, the domain will destroy your body if you don't stop it quickly!!!"

Bobby doesn't seem to be responding right now and focusing on reaching the domain that makes the situation grave for Don. Don spoke coldly and chant while raising his right hand "Contain"

The rumbling started from Don this time and Don's body is surrounded with grey light. His right hand filled with condensed grey energy and it shot forward to Bobby's chest

Don raises both of his hands and the grey energy starts to surround the condensed black energy from Bobby. After a few seconds, the grey energy shrink before stabilizing.

Contain is one of the strongest domain power of Don and it is a barrier type of domain that will serve as strong energy that blocks anything from coming inside or outside of the grey energy. That is one of the reasons why Don managed to become a butler of Lord Luther and was entrusted to hold Lord Luther's castle when Lord Luther is out.

Actually, Bobby notices Don at the door from the start until now but he is too weak to respond and he is already getting too far with the domain at his spirit now. If he lost focus even for 1 second, his spirit will break apart that resulting in his body bursting out.

Before Bobby starts the magic circle of the domain, he put up some barrier spell around the room as he doesn't want people to notice what is he doing but as the times go and the domain becomes too much from his expectation, he removes the barrier to ensure that Don will come here to help him with his barrier domain.

Bobby surely knows that once he removed the barrier spell, Don will notice something amiss and come to the source of it. It is a gamble for Bobby as he is not sure if he was able to survive until Don arrives but it seems his gamble pays off as the "Contain" from Don will be able to help Bobby fill up his spirit with his domain power.

After half an hour, Bobby's domain finally filled up his spirit. He opened his eyes weakly and looked toward Don who nodded and remove the grey energy surrounding that is surrounding Bobby.

Exhaustion finally gets to Bobby as he fell after the grey energy is removed. Don comes to Bobby and brings him up to the bed and he grabs the chair close to the bed to sit beside the bed.

Don want to wait until Bobby stabilized and woke up as he worried that something wrong will happen after he left the boy. Don grabbed some book and he read it while waiting beside Bobby.


Bobby woke up from his sleep and try to sit but his body seem to be carrying a ton of bricks as he struggled to sit straight from the bed.

'That's really fucking hurts. I know it will be difficult but I guess my expectations for the level of pain seem to be not as high as much. It's really good that I be able to survive from it. So what does my domain power do now then, I remember to ensure my domain based on gravity before but why I don't feel anything that has gravitational force inside my body. Is the circle magic of domain not working?'

After pondering a little, Bobby dismissed that thought as he feel that his spirit is brimming full with energy now.

'I can ask Don about my domain power later. I also need to apologize and thank to him for his help too. How long did I pass out anyway, why no one is beside me even after I created such a mess. Hmmm...It is very strange indeed.'