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Lord Luther on his way back home from the summit meeting of the High Council that discusses Emperor Duemi's health that currently declining and the possible heir for the throne.

Emperor Duemi has 3 heirs for the throne and each of them is gunning for the throne after the Emperor's death.

'Each of the heirs is capable and decent but the problem for them is that they are too ambitious.'

pondered Lord Luther.

As Lord Luther thinking about the topic that was being discussed at the summit earlier, he sense something wrong and notice something amiss as the route toward his home took too long than usual.

He wants to ask the coachmen but as he opens the window of the carriage,


Suddenly multiple arrows come towards the carriage and stab the coachmen at the mouth and guts.

Lord Luther is protected by the magma surrounding his body searching for the assailant as he looks coldly in the forest.

"I really dislike rats the most of all animals, I really don't know why some people use it as their pets"

"Come out you rats, maybe I could make your body just roasted and not become an ash if you come out and plead with your heart," said Lord Luther as he cast a basic tracking spell to ensure the assailant can't run away.

Eight people with all of them wearing a white mask and black light armor come out from the forest and surrounding Lord Luther

One of them standing in front of Lord Luther chuckle lightly and raised his right hands and all of the seven people blink and with their swords, they slash toward Lord Luther

As soon as their sword come into contact with Lord Luther's body, their swords melt at an alarming rate that makes them retreat a few steps from Lord Luther.

Lord Luther close his eyes and chant

"Magma Crack"

The sword that come into contact with Lord Luther body earlier shattered into pieces and all the pieces become coated by magma and move around freely in the air until it stabs into all of the seven masked people

Lord Luther blink from his spot and arrive in front of the masked person that standing in front of him earlier, he choked the masked person and lifted him, and ask "Who send you and what do you want from me?"

"ugh....ughh.... It.... it's not important who send us, our mission is complete anyway, I wonder if your stoic face remains the same at your son's funeral. AHHAHAHH" replied the masked man before suddenly he clench his fist and shouted



The masked man's body lit up and explode in front of Lord Luther and the impact of the explosion crush all of the surroundings and all the masked corpses and Lord Luther's carriage.

Although Lord Luther tried to minimize the explosion impact, he still retreated a few steps due to the impact.

As he clenches his fist he rushes toward his castle as he remembers the last word from the masked person indicating his son is in danger too.

'I'm sure if the assassin is too strong, Don will protect the castle until I'm home but why the masked man is too sure about my Hans's death. I hope they can hold out until I arrive'

Lord Luther rushed with all his might to his castle.


While Bobby trembled as he saw the one responsible for all the massacred that happened in the castle is Don, the butler of Lord Luther that serves Lord Luther for 15 years.

"Wh...Why are you doing this Sir, this is not you Sir, you are a warmhearted person...not like this" muttered Bobby

"Hmm... to be honest with you, this is the real me, all the days that I stick with Luther is for these days to happens"

replied Don as he look at Hans

"The war is inevitable now, Lord Luther will lose his mind when he sees his only son perish. Hahaha...and for you Bobby, you are just unlucky, to be honest. Don't worry you will follow your master soon enough. Don't resent me too much"

Don closes his distance with Bobby and chants a basic contain skill toward Bobby. To his surprise, the contain skill disappeared after it fly above Bobby.

Notice the contain skill not working, Bobby rush toward Hans and picks him up. As he tries to pick up Hans, Don's kick arrive toward Bobby's body but suddenly Bobby lets go of Hans and brace the kick's impact.

Bobby grab Don's leg after the impact and wrapped it around his armpit. He suddenly dropped his body backwards and turned his body as falling. Don can't resist the sudden attack and try to cast a barrier around him but to his surprise, the barrier that he cast around himself is thinner than usual.