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Don was shocked by the development and the impact from the tackle made him lose his foot.

Bobby is now at the top of Don's body and he starts punching Don's head as Don tries to block the punch.

After a few seconds, suddenly Bobby halt his punch as something dripped from his left eye. Blood started to come out from his black left eyes continuously and the pain come along with it.

As Bobby tries his hardest to bear the pain, Don sees the opening and start to escape from Bobby's mount.

After Don succeed to escape from the mount, he kick Bobby who is at his lowest at the moment. He continues to kick Bobby as he shouted

"How dare you imbecile"

"Let me tear you apart, it seems killing you normally not going to appease my anger"

Don stop his kick and chant while both of his hands raises upwards

"Barrier Domain: Ball of Death"

Several big grey ball is formed around the Don hands. After that, Don throws the big grey ball toward Bobby one by one.

The big grey ball hits Bobby hard enough that it makes Bobby's body being thrown away like a rag



Bobby's bones seem to be cracked even more by each of the big grey balls that hit him. He slowly losing his consciousness and he is barely alive at the moment.

As he senses that his end is near, he struggled to get up as he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Bobby then sees a chasm behind him that is seen to be very deep and very dangerous. He contemplate a little bit and then decided to fall into the chasm as he thought it is not too late to hope for a miracle now.

As Bobby falls into the chasm, Don burst out and tries to chase him but stopped his track when he senses something got coming into his way.

He chant the highest magic barrier domain power that he has and avoided the attack. He then hear someone roared in the sky

"W....why Don!!"

"I never mistreat you or anything"

"You are one of the people that I trusted most in this world"

"So tell me fucking why Don!!!!!!"

The man that roared in the sky is Lord Luther who is now covered with burning orange and black magma. The betrayed expression is seen from his eyes as he found the castle in the completely dire states and his only son is unconscious and is barely alive at the moment.

Lord Luther sense the grey power responsible for this mayhem and the only one person who has that kind of power in the castle and his unharmed appearance that confirms his doubt is Don, his most trusted aide that been with him for 15 years.

Don look the man that are talking and scoffed

"It's a pity I can't kill Hans now I guess"

"Well...it's nice knowing you Luther"

"Till we met again"

After Don finished speaking, the barrier that surrounded his body is changed into a portal and he disappeared from the spot


After several days, Lord Luther conduct his investigation about the matter and found some traces that came from the Kingdom of Holt who is at the moment is the strongest Kingdom at Asila Continent. He found the traces in Bobby's room too.

He gathered his special forces that totalled 10 members and ask them to search for Don and Bobby past and their whereabouts currently.

Lord Luther's special forces is one of the strongest arsenal that he had over the years. The special forces is the most loyal soldier of Lord Luther and they are willing to die for him.

They are the trained soldier that had domain of fire and each of them is at level 7-8 which is the same level as Don's level.

'All of the clues shows that Don and Bobby is connected with Holt, but who knows if it's just one of the trick that Don set up to distract me from finding him'

'It also seems like they want to initiate the war between us and Holt, but I can't remove the thought that if Don can kill Hans on that day, the most advantageous party will be Holt'

'I ask for Dunne's opinion later when all the matter seems to be stable and after Hans woke up from the treatment. I will train Hans stronger with his domain of fire later too. I can't let Hans experience this again and helpless when I'm not by his side'

With that, Lord Luther channelled his domain power toward Hans to speed up his treatment.