Returning the Academy

The beginner's knight academy had no rules to avoid fighting. But it doesn't allow us to fight till death. But the students will actively target a person to fight him or her. In other words, they bully individual targets with the help of a team. They don't care about strength because they come in huge numbers.

When I entered the academy I went straight to the training ground because I wanted to see William and I also wish to test my abilities with him. But when I entered the training ground I saw William was surrounded by a group of people who were actively trying to get over him.

There were nearly 20 students surrounding William. I have never seen William speaking to someone but now I see him with another student. Red face with red hair? It's Lisa who confronted William for money when I came first. What is happening here? Is he fighting for her?

"William don't be a child. Let her come with me..."

"Go, you bastard. I won't go with you"

"Bit** how dare you to say that to me. Don't worry I won't hurt you. Just come for a date"

"Let her go Lu Pao"

Oops, I think it was a terrible state. Whatever I have no choice but to fight these filthy bastards.

"Do you think you can...."

Before he could finish his words he fainted for no reason. No one could figure it out except for William but he chose to stay silent.

In a matter of seconds, more than four students have fallen. Only by then did a person in the group figure out and shouted

"Defend yourselves. Someone is assault...." He fainted in his midway.

It was obviously me who did those mischievous things. It was my third skill 'hide'. I learned from the letter of the leader of the "Killing road" that takes the enemy by surprise and took my time in teaching myself how to hide.

As the world is filled with the essence of nature which cannot be seen by the naked eye. Lin Cian used his mental strength to guide the essence of nature to cover him while he covered his aura. The essence of nature filled his surroundings and nothing can be seen but a powerful cultivator can find his presence because the stronger ones have stronger mental energy which can push him into a corner to show himself up. But for now, he doesn't need to worry.

He used the butt of the dagger to hit their vital parts to make them faint. Only having three people left Lin Cian decided to show himself.

When seeing him, the three of them jumped onto him, but a dragon defended him before they could reach him. It looked like something made of gold. It had a huge body and it circled Lin Cian. It was no shorter than 20 feet. It was at least half a meter in width. It looked like a golden ball followed by strands of golden ribbon. The way it soared towards the enemies looked like it was defending him but it was attacking the other three of them.

Before even Lin Cian reacted the three of them fell to the ground and what he saw was a dragon encircled him and slowly faded into the thin air. He realized something and smiled excitedly but his face was cold and emitted a killer smile which made the ones who tried to attack William scream and run away.

When he turned his head towards William Lin Cian felt the pain in his head because of getting a hit. When he looked in the direction there was William with an unusual look. He scolded him non-stop for a minute.

After a while of scolding the place was unusually silent. All the people on the ground were either not near them or they stood very silent and watched them because of the terrifying scene they witnessed a minute ago.

William came near him; he didn't let out a word from his mouth. He stared into Lin Cian's eyes. Lin Cian stood still where he was. Lisa looked at them in confusion while staring at both of them from time to time.

Lin Cian smiled at William while William took him in his arms and hugged Lin Cian. He was very excited to see his brother return. William always stated Lin Cian as his brother. William patted Lin Cian's head. After that, Lin Cian enquired about Lisa.

"He was bothering her and she came to me I have no options but to defend," said William.

Lin Cian smiled at him and dismissed Lisa. They talked about everything that happened when they were away from each other. Lin Cian was always grateful to William because he was the one who helped him to overcome his weakness. They talked till night and eventually went to sleep.

The light intervened in the darkness and the day came, Lin Cian stood up from his bed and went straight to the training because even if he is far away his routine hadn't changed. He always did the same.

He got up early in the morning and did some training with his dagger and some hand-to-hand combat. Sometimes Carbiel joined him. Then he would go for his business and other stuff. After lunch, he would read something and have some rest. After that, he would practice for his spirit with small spells and spirit essence and try to do something. At night he would sleep at least for 6 hours.

Lin Cian saw William in the training ground striking and thrusting the air. When he saw Lin Cian he stopped the training for a second and stared at Lin Cian who was smiling at him. He then pointed his spear towards me and said

"Come on man, let me see how much you have improved in the past year"

"I don't think you can bear to see it," he mocked William.

"Tsk, who do you think you are? Better you would beat me or else I won't let you go"

Lin Cian smiled and looked at the surroundings. No one is around so he went near William. "Fine, you will see".

William took back his spear and stood in his position in a forward stance which can attack and defend.

Lin Cian took out and held his dagger in a forwarding grip and gleed at him.