[Author note : Look for Cathbel on the Patr*on website (replace * by e) to read 10+ chapters of my stories]
As Ned blinked from all the camera flashes and the jubilant crowd, he noted how his family was right. His vision had been too narrow. His worries had mostly been on MACUSA, and he'd hoped this move would cripple or at least, hinder them. In a way it did. But it also made him some kind of idol/celebrity. Of course, that was expected, but… he didn't think it'd be this much !
A sea of people were waving banners and signs. Some were encouraging of him, with hearts, red lips marks and slogans yelled at the top of their lungs. There was also the opposite spectrum : people who disliked vigilantes, supporters of law enforcements or governmental institutions. Those waved different signs : red X over his helmet or face, barred circles… They too were yelling, but insults and exhortation for him to hand over his armor.
Currently, unlike his usual suit of armor, this particular suit was accompanied with a tie. And although it was enchanted and should protect him a fair bit, he was apprehensive. The Mayor of New York had invited him for a private meeting for some reason. It probably was some kind of political move or an attempt from an elected official to obtain his 'technology'… He wasn't sure which. Still, according to his mom, Ned should humor the man since 'he had no friends, and a politician could make for a useful friend'.
The fact that the authorities had been unable to track where he lived was probably one of the reasons why he'd been invited, instead of the military kicking his door down. This, in itself, would prove to be a problem he had to remedy… In the modern world, it was basically impossible for the government or the authorities not to know where you lived, unless you were homeless… Or a criminal. He was neither, but it would understandably raise their suspicions.
As he walked up the steps of City Hall, Ned thought back to his 'conversation' with his parents and sister. More like a verbal lynching !
* * * * *
« I'm seriously wondering, you know, brother ? Are you an absolute idiot ?! » Sue asked at first seriously but with genuine disbelief at the end.
Instead of reprimanding her for calling Ned names, his mother had only nodded her head, shooting him with her glare. His father on the other hand, was muttering to himself and walking in circles. From what little he understood, he was worried about how he could get back to his job or if he should search for another… Then, he asked himself how he could do that, since he was probably wanted by MACUSA right now.
Okay, so… Maybe his brilliant plan wasn't so brilliant. He could have dragged things out, remote piloted his armor while he was talking to officials or something. However, he was pretty sure that, even it they didn't think he was Silver Lad, they were certain he was the inventor of the armor's technomancy. Or, at the very least, knew who did create the armor.
In his mind, at the time, there was just no other ways than to reveal himself to the world. It was stupid and probably motivated for the most part by his need to be recognized for his genius. Let's be honest, that's the most likely explanation for something he now saw as stupid himself. Would he do it again if given the chance, even while knowing all this ? Yeah, it was likely…
Now, his family had to lay low until he smoothed things out with the Ministry or forced their hands in some other way.
As the realization dawned on him, Ned's head started to lower. He couldn't meet his sister or mother's eyes. There was a great deal of anger and disappointment in her mother's and Sue looked at him like he was truly stupid. It made him uncomfortable. So he tried to explain himself :
« Look, maybe it was the heat of the forge or something… I thought it was a good idea to use the No-maj world as leverage and protection. Now though, I see that maybe I've created more problems for us… »
Susan scoffed and his mother retorted :
« That's an understatement ! » A short pause where her glare seemed to intensify even further, giving Ned the feeling of being cooked alive. Was his mother Kryptonian ? « Do you recall the ambush a few months ago ? Who did they work for ? »
His eyes widened slightly at yet another oversight. How could he forget about the nut-job ?
« I see you remember… Now that he knows who you are, what do you think he'll do ? »
« Probably send most of his people after me, if he doesn't make the trip himself… » Ned shook his head : « I doubt he can, though. Security is pretty tight because of them nowadays… »
His father suddenly interjected :
« There's always weak links in every organizations, holes in infrastructures… If they want to enter the country, Death Eaters will come, somehow ! There's always a corrupt official or two you can slip money to, or malcontents happy to help those crazies… I think you should prepare yourself for a tough fight in the near future. »
Ned paused, considering his father's words in silence. The man was right of course, and Ned knew it. So, he shrugged and commented :
« I've faced Cyborgs, robots and Goddesses. A few Death Eaters won't be that hard to face… » He swept his family with his gaze : « I'm more worried about you. I really screwed up… I'm sorry ! I'll do my best to fix things ! »
« Don't be arrogant, son ! » His mom told him. « You can't think of going into battle with the idea that you've already won. At least, I don't think you should… That's how people make mistakes. As for the other problems… We'll figure it out. As a family. »
Since his dad and sister seemed to agree with her on both counts, Ned nodded and engraved her words in his mind.
* * * * *
First a democrat, then an independent to finally end up a republican, Rudolph William Louis Giuliani was the current mayor of New York. Ned, having been French in his past life didn't know much about the man beyond the fact that he was Mayor during the 9/11 terrorist attack. In fact, his response and appearance on TV might have made him famous worldwide.
It was the first time Ned was in front of a Historical figure. Then, he noted the weird fact that he thought of him as a Historical figure when he was still alive and well… But that's what important political figures were. Even a Mayor, especially when the city he was Mayor of was New York City.
After a brief handshake and a few photos taken by his people, Mayor Giuliani sent everyone away to have a private conversation with Ned. His security briefly warned him against it but he reminded them that the Silver Lad wore armor, while Ned did not. In his eyes, there was no reason why he'd need security against a businessman.
Inwardly, Ned smirked at that. Although he wouldn't attack the politician, and it was also true that he wasn't wearing his armor, he was far from powerless in this suit. Of course, he would not use the enchantments weaved into it unless he was in danger. Especially, not in a No-maj's office.
As they sat in silence looking at each other from opposite sides of his work desk, Giuliani was the first to speak :
« Ned… Can I call you Ned ? » The squib nodded with a smile. « Ned, you are putting me in a difficult position. » Another silence followed before he asked : « Do you have any interests in politics ? »
« To be honest ? Yes and no. I'm interested in advancing our society's progress, improving our way of life and, perhaps, finally putting an end to war. I know the last part is pretty much impossible and I personally work on project for the first two parts, but… beyond paying attention to what I can do, create and sell, I don't really have much interest in it. Why ? »
« Part of my campaign revolved around lowering crime statistics in my city. For that, I've given more power to law enforcement and had them crack down hard on crime… » He looked at him in the eye and concluded : «… And then, you showed up ! When you hid behind your mask or under your helmet, you were just another vigilante, taking the law into his own hands… Thus, you were a criminal. Actually, all things considered, since you did all those things, you can still be prosecuted… »
Hearing this, Ned suddenly felt very hot, sweat started to glisten on his forehead and a cold trickle flowed down his back. The Mayor shook his head :
« You're lucky that public opinion is in your favor, right now… As long as that's the case and the People don't demand that you be brought to Justice, you're safe. »
Ned sighed :
« Thank you, sir ! I was actually hoping to work with the City… »
The balding, aging man considered the young man in front of him seriously. Finally, he asked :
« Do you really want to work with the City ? » Before Ned could respond, the mayor asked : « How much would one of those suits of armor cost us ? »
The second question stopped Ned cold in his tracks. His expression turned serious when he declared :
« They're not for sale. They can't be ! »
The man scoffed :
« Don't be naive, Ned ! You really think that you're the only one capable of creating such a thing ? Irons' made one too ! And it's still debatable between the two of you who created his first. Do you really think nobody else will be able to do the same ? What if it was an enemy of the US ? »
« If that happened, and they tried to attack, then I, and the rest of the heroes of our country would defend it. That's why we've started this in the first place, after all… »
« To defend our country ? » Giuliani rose an unconvinced eyebrow.
« To save lives ! »
The Mayor shook his head in disbelief.
« I can't understand you, Ned ! I've heard the interview. I've felt the terror you were feeling when you spoke of fighting… Why should you do this ? Why not let it to the professionals ? »
« Because, mister Mayor… Although I have hopes for the future of our society, I distrust human nature. Unlike what you think, I'm not naive enough to believe that my technology would only be put to use for the greater good. » He paused before paraphrasing what his dad had told him a few days ago : « Every organizations, institutions and groups has one or two bad apples. Corruption is everywhere, simply because it is in human nature to look out for number one. It's sad but it is the truth. Someone who's first instinct is to put someone else's well-being before his own is someone who learned, often painfully, how to ignore or kill this nature. However, they're few and far between. »
« And I should believe that you are such a person ? »
Ned chuckled :
« I'm so far from this ! I'm arrogant, prideful and scared as hell that one of these days, one of the weirdness in our world will kill me… But that's also why… My pride will not let me be bested and if I am, I'll work my ass off to not be beat the next time. Besides, I'm not the only one, sir. Nowadays, they are more and more extraordinary people who try and do the good thing. »
« And just as much who do the exact opposite ! These freaks are the reason why our law enforcement need an edge like your armor ! »
« They're humans, sir… » Realizing his error, he amended : « Even the aliens are sapient and sentient. The majority of them are just trying to live a decent life. Some, even put their gifts to the test in order to help out… And yeah, some acts like monsters and criminals. But I think that we shouldn't marginalize them for being different. As for the law enforcement… S.T.A.R labs and Lexcorp are already doing a good job to help out I think. You don't really need my armors… »
Silence settled between the two as the mayor raised another incredulous eyebrow. Ned wondered if it was normal for a politician's face to express so much emotion or if it was just to appear more genuine…
« Are you sure that you're not interested in politics, Ned ? 'Cause I think you'd make a fantastic orator… »
Ned smiled. After this, they talked for a while more of various subjects but without openly trying to obtain something from each other, unlike the beginning of the conversation. At the end of it, Ned was confident that he made a 'friend'.