[Author note : If you're interested in my stories, there are more on my Patréon page (e instead of é). Search for Cathbel on their website to read ahead or some of my other stories. As always, please comment, reviews and leave a stone. Thanks !
And now, without further ado : Enjoy !]
Earlier, in an undisclosed location.
Robin and the rest of the titans had all gone through the mental torture of Omen. At one point, the young hero had even had a chance to talk to the teen girl. Despite her actions and her goth outfit, he thought that, like so many other under Harvest's yoke, that she wasn't a bad person… To which, she answered that she believed in her master's cause. Yet, Robin felt it wasn't right, somehow…
In any case, after she was done, an overwhelming sense of drowsiness overcame them. When Dick woke up, he was in this place. This very hell-like place… Perhaps, Harvest's secret identity was that of the Devil ?
Although he smirked at the idea, the truth was that he had rarely felt as frightened as he was now. Despite their ordeal, the intel he managed to find out about N.O.W.H.E.R.E., the Culling was a mystery to him. Was it just as the ominous name entailed ? The question now… What was being culled ?
And then, he had the chance of exploring this place a little bit under the cover of stealth. The people here were fighting for their lives. Or rather they were forced to. No escape, little in the way of resources, and a few deranged animals in the guise of men. A recipe for bloodshed. No wonder that most people here had no light in their eyes. They were either broken or hopeless…
That's when he spotted the fight. Unlike the others he'd seen before, he noticed something strange about the trio… They still had a spark of… innocence ? At least, that's the sensation it gave Robin. He could be wrong since empathy hadn't figured in the list of lessons taught to him by Batman. However, he decided to trust his guts.
That's why he came gliding in from behind in silence, before flipping and landing his heel in the back of a wannabe terminator. Before he could do anything else, the girl with the spear used the opportunity to knock the other one off his feet, before pointing the tip at the man's throat.
Ignoring the cyborg, she spoke to Robin who had just landed and was about to come closer to the trio.
« Stay back ! »
Robin obeyed, putting his hand high in a placating gesture. He said :
« I'm not here to fight… » He glanced at the man he downed and rectified :
« Okay. I'm not here to fight you ! »
The guy who was obviously bleeding without apparent care yelled :
« You're one of them ! Harvest's people ! »
« Huh ? » One of Robin's eyebrow raised behind his mask in incomprehension. It soon dawned on him however. He muttered : « The outfit. Right ! »
Indeed, Robin was now wearing a similar outfit to what Superboy usually wore : black and neon red, but without the Kryptonian shield painting a target on his torso. He hadn't considered it, and if he felt threatened at all, his concentration wouldn't have allowed his thoughts to go there, but… Who the hell changed his clothes ? As for whoever designed them, he was a criminal who deserved to be locked up forever !
It was probably Harvest… Given how twisted the son of a b*tch was, Robin was sure of it !
Then, his thoughts returned to the people he just helped.
* * * * *
Ned watched the situation unfold from afar, unsure how to proceed. On the one hand, he knew the Titans and the Legionnaires were the main actors in this event. They would fight against Harvest and his forces, and defeat him. Sticking with them was a good idea, since it increased his likelihood of helping them, and finding his children.
On the other… Ned's train of thought paused. Looks like he still had brain farts, even in this form. There was no real reason why he shouldn't approach the group now. Well, except the fact that he wasn't a fan of kids. That's something he recalled when he trained the Teen Army with Mel and Winston. Also, one of the reason why he decided not to involve himself in the fighting. Still, the mental manipulation played a bigger part !
Another reason would be the possible animosity his sudden appearance could provoke. There was no way to tell how they'd react. He shook his head.
« I'm just looking for excuses at this point… » He sighed.
The fact of the matter was that, in this group, none of them were a threat to him and his new body. The Bloodsmith guy was, perhaps, the most dangerous. But since he used his weapons like your typical cold weapons, and not magic spells he could launch with distance, speed and power, he wouldn't pose a problem.
Spear Girl… Although a decent fighter, he could easily outrun her. Same with the other one, and Robin. For the latter, only his batarangs could prove a hindrance remedied easily with his sonic gun.
Once more he sighed, before he stilled his resolve and moved toward the group. He vaguely heard their argument from afar… Apparently, Robin was considered one of Harvest's goons for some reason. Soon, Ned arrived near them and slid to a halt.
« Yo ! » He exclaimed with a messy salute.
« The heck is this guy, now ? » The Bloodsmith asked with a loud voice.
Inwardly, Ned already regretted his choice. This guy was obviously the loudmouth type. Not very bright, but very vocal about his ideas and thoughts. Even when they were stupid or irrelevant. The archetype on which Naruto was based off of. He just hoped he was wrong…
Robin asked, puzzlement clear in his voice :
« Wasn't he one of your friend ? I've spotted him circle the fight once or twice… »
« Hah ? » Spear Girl, still pointing the tip of her weapon at her enemy's throat while keeping a wary glance around her, reacted. She never saw the guy. Not before, and certainly not during the fight. But then, it was understandable at the time since she was somewhat preoccupied.
A point for the new arrival : he wasn't wearing Harvest's colors, at least ! In that case, perhaps he was like them. Captured recently and sent here.
As everyone's attention was directed at him, Ned started to answer :
« I am… » He instantly thought better of it. He couldn't exactly tell them who he was, now could he ? « Actually, even if I tell you, I doubt you'll believe me. So, for now, you can call me Lucio ! It's nice to meet you… Or it would be, if we weren't in this hellish place. »
This brought a smile to the Bloodsmith's face. Ned instantly categorized him as straightforward and simple, in addition to being loud.
« I hear, my man ! » He looked briefly at him, before he crossed his arms and spoke as if he had it all figured out : « You haven't been here for long, considering your outfit. Not much dirt, no tears or scratches, and not even wounds on your body. We've been here for a few days, ourselves. Come with us if you want to live ! »
Ned's operating system lagged a bit. It almost crashed hearing this overused reference. On the other hand, his two female partners seemed to want to stir him clear of both him and Robin.
« We've been over this, Weapon-Master ! You can't trust anyone in this place. Stop being stupid ! We don't know anything about those guys. »
Ned pointed at the Boy Wonder :
« That's Robin. Batman's little helper. »
« Little helper ? » Robin asked, a dangerous edge to his voice. « Wait a minute ! How do you know me ? I mean, how do you recognize me ? I'm not wearing my outfit… »
« Yeah, 'cause a domino mask hides the face so~ well… If you chose this yourself… You're a moron ! And if it's Batman… Does he want your identity figured out ? »
« He's Robin ? » The last of the trio finally spoke up for the first time. « But… He's so small. »
Ned shrugged, then he tilted his head.
« Wait… You called the guy with the blood manipulation Weapon-Master ? » He chuckled and shook his head.
« Why are you laughing ? » The person in question got roused up.
« Sorry, sorry ! » Ned said while waving a hand. « It's just… I think Bloodsmith would be better. Okay, you can make any weapon you want but… You're not exactly a master at using them, are you ? »
« Blood… Smith ? » The man parroted, stunned. His whole body trembled and his fist clenched tightly. Suddenly, he raised his hand and pointed a finger at Ned :
« That's f*cking brilliant ! » He smiled suddenly and approached, waving his arms around the African-American's shoulder. « You're alright, kid ! Stick with us ! We'll all get out of here. »