Chapter 121 : The emprisoned

Author note : second to last chapter before the big hiatus… or permanent one. I'm still not sure I'll ever get the passion for this story and this character.

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Enjoy !


On the other side of the rift, after a star-extinguishing battle, the two sides of the battle, those who called themselves 'Guardians' and those who, until now, acted as jailers for the First Lantern, the 'Templars' were discussing. Rather than a discussion, it could be construed as a lecture from the Templars. Unfortunately, being impervious to feelings of shame, and believing that their logic was sound, the Guardians were not very receptive.

Instead, they preferred to focus on opening back the gates to the prison they found themselves sealed behind after Volthoom's escape. Not that he truly had escaped their hold. They just made him believe as such.

Still, despite the fact that they worked as one, the guardians hadn't managed to open the doorway. It proved how powerful Volthoom was, and also it reminded them why they had trapped the being in this pocket dimension. And also why they had left members of their race to act as his keepers.

While the Malthusians had learned the ways to harness the lights of the emotional spectrum over the eons, they had always favored the Green light of Willpower ; it was less volatile, and still powerful. Therefore, not many of them mastered any other light. However, Volthoom used all lights freely, something made especially clear in the lock put on the prison they themselves had made.

If only their brethren were to fall silent and work on helping them instead… Really, purging their feelings had been the best decisions they had ever made !

* * * * *

« According to the computer's calculations, we've reached the location where the rift opened. » Steel said after checking his console.

« So, what now ? » Constantine asked. « Are we the welcome wagon, or… »

« Can you open the rift ? » Batman demanded gruffly.

Constantine considered the question and after a few seconds, said :

« I mean, yeah, eventually… But, are we sure it's the right idea ? They can't do more damage trapped as they are. And the disco lights mate did a pretty good job closing up the place. Feels almost wrong, ya know ? »

« John ! »

The name, spoken as if to order him, made the British sigh. The Bat was not a people's person. Still, he tried to make him see his point of view :

« Don't you rather want me to make sure they can't get out ? I mean, they might be Malthusians, but even they are things they don't know about… »

« I believe Batman is more worried about their potentially getting out. » Wonder Woman interjected, in an attempt to prevent an argument between their allies. « I am sure you also had your fair share of evildoers escaping from prisons you thought inescapable, have you not ? »

Constantine sighed :

« Yeah… Pesky buggers, the lot of em ! » Another sigh and then he got up from his seat. « Alright, I'll see what I can do. »

« And I will provide back up for our friends out there. » Steel decided. « I haven't been able to test out the new armor against the third army since I risk being taken over but now that they're gone…

* * * * *

Iron Lad and Superman, soon joined by Steel, wearing his power armor made out of bio-organic metal, floated loosely in a circle. With the ship between the two armor users, and Superman in front of it. They were… As ready as they'll ever be.

In the distance, they kept track of the fighting between Volthoom and the rest of the Lantern corps. It wasn't going very well, to be honest. How do you fight a guys who wields the energy used by your weapon as if it was an extra limb, or sixth sense ?

Despite Kyle Rayner's use of the white light of Life, they were on the ropes. Ned wasn't even sure how many ring bearers died in these series of battle. Idly, he wondered about where his body was in all of this ? He couldn't feel it. Then again, he had other things to worry about and couldn't exactly meditate to try and locate himself…

Another question he asked himself was if coming here was worth it, at all. Especially if he didn't accomplish the one thing he set out to do. Meddling in this internal conflict, which was really a big mess of intergalactic politics, really was not the wisest decisions. Their involvement would basically put the Earth on the map, so to speak. The fact that six earthlings, with nothing but their wits, their paltry magic, their genetics and one ship could somehow fight on this level, and survive ? It spoke of a level of power beyond what a civilization still bound to their home world usually had… And this made it a potential target.

Ned's gaze fell on each of his allies as he considered the situation. So… They had participated into a civil war between the army and the ruling power, fought a god and now… what ? Were they about to behead the ruling class in order to make a clean break for the next governing body ?

Ned inwardly shook his head. Considering the kind of fight ahead, and the situation not far from them, none of them could afford to lose their focus. Instead, Ned decided to make yet another quick diagnostic of his systems. One that could be stopped and wouldn't prevent him from springing into action at the drop of a hat.

Suddenly, space tore itself, like a wound spontaneously opening itself. The little blue men were coming out…

* * * * *

Among the assembled Lantern corps, many leaders were actually here because of personal grievances with the Guardians. Sinestro had recently seen his home world of Korugar attacked by the plague known as the third army. It didn't take long to connect the dots, since the Guardians were uncharacteristically sloppy in the implementation of their plans. Before, when doing something ethically questionable, the guardians had done their best to obscure their trails. This was not the case, here !

In fact, in Sinestro's eyes who served the guardians for years alongside his brother in law, Abin Sur, their actions were quite unlike them, really. So much so, that he asked himself if perhaps, they were suffering from some kind of mind manipulation… The reality was so much worse ! To willingly separate themselves from their own feelings and engage so blatantly in genocide… Nothing short of their deaths would assuage his anger !

In order to accomplish his goal, he needed power. A power dwarfing what his power ring, and his mastery over the light spectrum of Fear could give him. A primordial power. In order to obtain this, he decided to face and subdue his old enemy : Parallax. Now that he housed the avatar of the Yellow light, he was confident in dealing with the guardians.

Unfortunately, he had accounted for this freak of nature the combined might of the Lantern corps couldn't deal with. This guy, this… Volthoom as he called himself in the third person, like a bad villain cliché was insanely powerful. Moreover, much like Kyle Rayner, he wielded the entire spectrum, but unlike the former green lantern, he did so much more skillfully, as if… It was second nature.

At that moment, Sinestro realized which source material was used to create the Lantern batteries. Volthoom !

« Exotic energy detected ! » His ring suddenly spoke up. He had ordered it to keep an eye out for the Guardians after they disappeared. « A rift is opening at the approximate location the Malthusians have disappeared. »

Hearing this, he briefly glanced at the battle he directed. Then he turned in the direction his ring pointed at. His lieutenant Arkillo would fill his shoes well. Besides, it was not like he was putting all that he could into the fight. Until now, he had been biding his time, conserving his power all for one thing… Revenge !

* * * * *

Before Ned and his group of heroes had a chance to issue their ultimatum, to ask them to surrender… Or else. A blast of yellow energy was fired toward the newly opened rift.

« I'm losing my grip… Bollocks ! Where did this come from ? » Constantine's voice sounded in Ned's head.

The stability of the rift was obviously lost soon after that, with the opening widening and closing. Ned only had time to spot a black, yellow and purple silhouette before it completely closed.

« Shite ! » Constantine cursed then let silence stretch for a while. Finally, he asked : « I'm guessing I have to re-open it… ? »

No answer, but the British still swore again.