Chapter 9

"What the fuck! This is ridiculous. Why do they have to make this so hard?" Leon grumbled as he scratched his head. Seth had showed Leon several problems. He had broken them down so many times that Seth thought Leon understood, but for some reason, it never got through his brain. Seth couldn't help but giggle at Leon. He was truly trying his best. "What the fuck are you laughing at?" Leon growled out.

"Nothing." Seth smiled at the teen.

"Your face is annoying me." Leon spoke out.

"Hey, don't take your issue of not knowing these simple problems out on me." Seth laughed. Leon just growled.

"Okay. I'm finished." Leon handed over the notebook to Seth so he could check his answers. He was actually quite amused. Leon was able to get at least three out of the ten question's he gave him right. "What I'm seeing is, you are starting to understand these problems. You can do ten more. That would help you remember the formula better."

"Are you fucking kidding me? I'm getting tired of these math problems." Leon whined.

"It will just be ten more. We can change to a different subject after that." Seth smiled at Leon. Leon just glared at the teen. He took a new can out of the plastic ring. He already drank 3 of them. It surprised Seth. Leon did not show any indication that he was drunk, nor tipsy in the least. Seth heard a noise he was now accustomed to hearing. He looked up as he watched the teen take several gulps. "You keep staring at me?" Leon spoke after he set the can down. "Are you sure you don't want anymore." Seth shook his head left and right.

"I was just thinking why you like that stuff." Seth looked at Leon from the side.

"It's really not that bad after you drink a can or two." Leon smirked. Seth stayed quiet. "Humph." Was all that was heard from Leon. There was silence for a few moments until Seth spoke out. "Hey, so let me write down those problems real quick." Seth reached over for the notebook.

"Hey." Seth turned to face Leon.

"What is it?" Seth's breath was sucked right out of him when he felt lips attach to his and a tongue slip in. He was being kissed again by Leon. Seth forgot about the notebook and put his hand on Leon's shoulder. He could taste the beer on Leon's tongue as he played with his. Leon pulled back and looked at Seth. His eyes were glossy.

"I want more." Leon spoke as he grabbed Seth closer and kissed him again. He licked his tongue along Seth's lips. Seth automatically opened his mouth again allowing access inside. Seth closed his eyes and he used his own tongue to play with Leon's. Leon had one hand on Seth's shoulder and used it to push him down on the floor, not breaking the kiss. Seth had to pull away. "What's wrong?" Leon questioned.

"It's hard to breathe." Leon laughed. Seth was hot from embarrassment.

"You're supposed to breathe through your nose."

"Okay…" Seth grabbed Leon by the back of the head and brought their lips together again. He opened his mouth allowing Leon access, which Leon greedily took advantage of. Leon grabbed one of Seth's hands with his own and pushed it down by Seth's head and intertwined their fingers together. He took his free hand and started to touch the smaller teen underneath him.

"Mmm" Seth moaned out. Leon kept moving his hands on the other teen. He touched his chest and down Seth's ribcage. Seth squirmed and broke the kiss. "Hahaha!" He couldn't help but laugh out. "What the hell?" Leon spoke out a bit irritated.

"I'm sorry, but that tickled." Seth spoke after he calmed down. Leon smirked. He sat up and Seth followed. They faced each other. Seth red and Leon stated at him with lust in his eyes. Leon leaned in and kissed Seth's lips then his chin. He moved his way down Seth's neck. Seth arched his neck back allowing more access. Leon reached up for the tie on Seth's shirt and started to loosen it until it was completely untied. He pulled it off and threw it on the floor. Leon started to unbutton the shirt revealing skin each time. He arched his head down and kissed the lower part of Seth's neck and began to suck and bite him. Seth let out a small moan.


"Does that feel good?" Leon asked. His hot breath touched the bare skin making Seth moan out again. Leon was able to pull out the shirt from pants it was tucked into. He opened it wide showing off the other teens white body. He had no muscles on his body. He was long and lanky. Leon went back to sucking on the lower neck making Seth moan out again and soon went lower. Kissing the collar bone and down to his chest. Leon moved his head to the right and caught an already hard nipple in his mouth and began to suck and play with it with his tongue. He used his other hand to play and pinch the other one.

"Ah…L…Leon….Mmm…." Seth moaned out. Leon let go of the nipple and looked up to see Seth

breathing heavily. He could see the redness of the arousal on his face. Leon went back to teasing the body underneath him. He kissed lower past Seth's navel and reached Seth's belt buckle. Leon started to unbuckle it when hands grabbed his own. "…Le…Leon…" Seth spoke between breaths.

"What is it?" Seth was quiet but he didn't move his hands away from Leon's. Leon moved his hands off the buckle and crawled up to look at Seth. "Are you scared?" Seth's eyes moved away and nodded. "It will be okay. We won't go all the way, but…" Leon massaged Seth's chubby through his pants.

"Mm…oh…ah….mmm…" Seth moaned out. He arched up his hips into Leon's hand wanting more contact.