Chapter 26

It has been over a week since the last time the two have done anything sexual. The farthest they did was kiss and the occasional beating each other off. When Leon would suggest to go further, he was shot down each time. Seth wanted to allow his body to completely heal before they did that again. The pain has almost disappeared entirely, but he was still scared. It wasn't just with the pain though. It was the fact that his body had started to change on him since the time they had sex. He would start feeling an itch that he never felt before. He knew it had to be because they did it. He had tried to calm that itch himself without telling Leon. So there have been many times that he would masturbate at home and even use his fingers to stop that discomfort he was feeling. Yet, it wasn't enough. He needed something bigger. Thicker. Longer. He wanted to do it with Leon. He couldn't stand it anymore. The urges became stronger with each passing day. He wanted to do it with Leon.

The bell rang for the class to leave for lunch. Seth got up from his seat and made his way over to Leon who was putting away his books. Their other classmates and already started exiting out of the room until it was the two of them left. Leon looked at Seth waiting for him to speak.

"Would it be okay that I stay over at your house this weekend?" Leon stared at Seth for a moment before nodding his head.

"Yeah, that would be cool." Leon spoke up. "Just get me after school." Leon stood up and walked passed Seth, gently brushing his shoulder. Seth couldn't help but feel his heart race when they touched. Seth knew what those feelings were that are growing inside him. He turned to look at the direction the older teen went but didn't see Leon. Seth still smiled. He touched his beating heart.

The two made their way to Leon's house. Pulling into the driveway, Leon turned off the engine of the bike. Seth removed himself off the bike, Leon following him. They made their way up to the house and inside. Seth followed Leon up to his room. Leon shut the door and Seth placed his bag on the floor next to it. A small smile came to his lips. He was going to do it with Leon again. He was nervous but happy at the same time.

"What are you grinning for?" Leon questioned the younger teenager.

"Nothing." Seth replied. Seth looked up and noticed that Leon was already sitting on the bed.

"Where you thinking about what we would be doing?" Leon smirked. Seth slowly made his way over to lean. The older teen's eyes never moved away from the younger ones. Once Seth got to the bed, he leaned over and kissed the lips that still held the smirk.

"Maybe." Seth replied. A small grin on his own face. He didn't know what had taken him over, but he liked it.

"Well aren't you being cheeky." Leon kissed Seth back and pushed him onto the bed. Leon lifted up his face to look at Seth under him. He gently stroked the younger teens face as he spoke. "Are you sure you are ready?" Leon questioned. Seth wrapped his arms around Leon's neck. He held a smile on his face as he nodded and spoke.

"I am sure." Leon grabbed onto one of the hands and moved it to his face. He brought his lips to it and placed a gentle kiss on the back of his hand. Leon used his green eyes to look into Seth's brown ones. It was almost like he was searching for something. Maybe doubt. Yet, he saw nothing.

"I do want you to do something for me." Seth nodded. "If it hurts. You need to tell me. I don't want what happened to be repeated again. You got that." Seth nodded again. Leon started to kiss each finger then leaned down and kissed Seth's lips again. He pushed his tongue in. Seth could feel his body burn up. He wanted more. Leon hands moved around Seth's body. Finding the helm of the shirt, it was removed from the teen's body. Licking and nipping on the skin under him brought moans from the body under him. Leon smirked as he took in a nipped and hearing a gasp come out of Seth's mouth. Leon sat up and Seth looked at him wondering what was going on.

"What's wrong?" Seth questioned. Leon didn't say anything as he got up from the bed. Seth watched as Leon made his way over to table. He opened up a drawer and pulled out what looked like lube and some condoms. Leon made his way back over to the bed and crawled his way in between the younger teen's legs. Leon could see that Seth was getting excited. His chest was moving up and down quicker than it was before. His eyes were also glossed over with arousal. He knew that Seth understood what was going to happen next. It was making Leon excited as well just looking at the younger teen. Even though he really wanted to jump the boy under him. He knew that he had to do this right. Placing the items next to him he looked up at Seth and an idea popped up in his head. Leon wanted to see what the Seth looked like without the glasses. He reached out to them and removed them from the younger teen's face.

"Hey what are you….?" Seth started to protest.

"Don't worry. I'm just going to move them over here." Leon sat them on the night stand next to

the bed. Seth didn't say anything else. Leon unzipped and unbuckled Seth's pants. He used one swift motion to remove both the pants and the underwear hidden underneath. Throwing them somewhere on the floor, he could now see exactly how excited Seth was now.