Chapter 37

Seth got off the elevator at his apartment. It was another long day. He just wanted to go to bed and crash. He was glad that he didn't have to work tomorrow. He just wanted to rest now. He turned the corner and made his way towards his apartment. His eyes went wide when he saw a figure standing in front of his door.

"You said you'd be off at seven. It's already nine thirty." Seth completely spaced off Leon coming over to his place today. A week had gone by and it was Friday morning already. At the beginning, he was freaking out about what they had done in the room. However, his work took over and soon the week had gone by without him even realizing it.

"I'm sorry. We got really busy, it was hard to leave."

"No prob. Shit happens." Leon spoke out. He had a messenger bag around his shoulder resting on the other side of the hip. He wore a light torn tank top with gaudy jewelry. His pants were baggy with rips at the knees. "Are you going to let me in?" He pointed towards the door.

"Oh yes." Seth ran over to his door, pulling out his key and unlocking the door. The two men walked into the apartment. Leon looked around awed at the large apartment. "You must be banking to have this kind of apartment." Leon spoke.

"Not really." Seth walked over to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out two cans. "Want one." Leon smirked.

"Sure." Seth walked over to Leon and handed the beer to the taller man. Leon opened it and took several sips of it. Seth passed Leon and sat down on the couch. He was so tired before he got home, but something brought him back to life. Was it because Leon was there? He took off his coat and laid in the chair next to him. Seth loosened his tie and opened his own beer. Leon placed his bag next to the couch and then sat next to Seth his legs were spread farther apart than necessary. "So how long have you been married?" Seth looked over at Leon. "You said you were married."

"Yeah," was all Seth said. He put down his beer on the table. "I have to use the restroom." He got up from his spot and headed down the hallway. Leon by himself started to look around. He got up and walked into the kitchen. There were several pieces of mail and large envelope.

"Lawyer Office?" Leon read out loud. He turned the item around and noticed it was already opened. Curious, he took the paper out a bit and scanned over it. His eyes went wide when he realized what it was. He pushed the paper back inside the envelope and placed it back in its original place. He walked around a bit more, but the context of the paper was running in his mind. It made sense when he asked Seth about his wife.

"I don't have much. I'm sorry." Seth spoke as he walked into the living room.

"Oh, no. I was just looking at the DVD's you had." Leon pointed at the shelf.

"My kids always complain that there isn't much to do here." Seth tried to smile. Leon couldn't help but stare at the older man. "What is it?" A grin spread onto Leon's face. He walked over to the table and put the beer on it. He stood up and walked over to Seth.

"Why is it that you always look so appetizing?" Seth cocked his head to the side.

"I'm confused what are you talking about?" Leon couldn't hold himself back anymore and put his arm around Seth's waist bringing him closer. "Wait wh-" His words were muffled by the lips that where now on his. He pulled back for a moment to look into Seth's eyes that have glossed over.

"Were is your room." Leon questioned. Seth pointed down the hall. "Take me to it." Seth's face went red and nodded looking down. Leon held Seth's hands as he was led to the younger man's room. Seth opened the door showing a dresser, table and a bed. There were many other things in there but Leon was not there for sightseeing. He grabbed Seth in his arms again and pressed his lips on the younger man's again. Seth could feel his body being pushed backwards. His knees soon hit something and was pushed down. He now laid on his bed with Leon looking at him like he was a predator and Seth was his prey. He watched as Leon reached for the bottom of his shirt and took it off. Leon placed one of his knees on the bed between Seth's legs and leaned closer to him. He grabbed the younger man's tie and pulled it off tossing in on the floor. Seth could only look at the older man with lust glossed eyes. His face showing his arousal for what was happening to him. Leon brought their lips together again and pushed his tongue in. The medal was hitting Seth's teeth and was massaging his tongue when they linked them together. Leon worked on the button up shirt getting it off of the other man's body. Finally throwing the piece of article across the room Leon broke off the kiss and tried to catch his breath before talking. "Lay on the bed." Seth pushed himself up all the way up on the furniture. He turned his body so he is vertical to the bed. Leon crawled on top of the man and looked down at Seth. Leon chuckled a bit.

"What is it?" Seth questioned the man.

"It has been a while since we were in this position." Leon leaned down and caught Seth's lips but only

to peck them. He started to make his way down Seth's jaw line and neck. He stopped and started to suck between the man's neck and collar bone.

"Ahnn…" Seth moaned. Leon pulled his head away and saw the bright red mark on the white skin. He moved down lower. He touched Seth's chest that barely had any hair on it. "Your chest is pretty smooth." Seth turned his face.