Sara's past

"Uncle Desta..." Sara said quietly.

Sara was reminded of the past, the name reminded of the terrible events in her life. This time Riko really got Sara's weakness, a bad past became Riko's weapon to threaten and stop Sara from interfering in her affairs with Casandra again.

"How, hopefully all of that can be considered" Riko's voice broke Sara's daydream again.

"Don't try to threaten me Riko! So that's the reason why you threaten and terrorize me? Casandra should know how rotten you are!"

"Go ahead Sara, but don't blame me if your nude photos are all over the campus walls"

"W... What..." Sara immediately felt weak.

"I told you earlier, I still have memories between you and Uncle Desta. Hmm... In the photos and videos you look so tempting"

"No! You bastard!" cursed Sarah.