Anan's hidden plan

Anan and Casandra glanced at each other but they still didn't dare to look back, on the other hand Anan was traumatized by his experience with meeting ghosts. That's why he felt a rush.

"W... Anan, whose shadow is that?" Casandra asked, frozen.

"Miss... The orphanage mother said first, if there is a person of the opposite sex who is alone, then... The three of them are demons" answered Anan trying to stay calm.

"S... So... This shadow is a demon? Ghost you mean?" Casandra was starting to feel scared.

"Miss... Y... You don't believe in ghosts, do you? T... Take a look back" said Anan.

"No! I'm scared!" Casandra answered quickly. "You're my bodyguard, you should be the one to make sure and check it out"

It's true what Casandra said, Anan is the bodyguard he should be the one who sees and confirms whose shadow is behind them.