Chapter 1

Welcome everyone to the first chapter, I hope y'all like this chap, this chap will go into how the mc died and the inbetween.

have fun reading and be aware this is only my second fan-fic, so there will be mistakes.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I died, it's as simple as that, I died, not because of the famous truck-kun, but by starvation.

It all started when I was in high-school, I was the loner, I didn't really have any friends at the time, while everyone was friends with each other and talking about anime and manga, I heard some names that made me curious towards anime and manga, such as food wars, naruto and my dress-up darling. I didn't really delve into anime until a month after that I started with naruto and I watched just naruto, I finished it when I graduated from college and after that I didn't really like it anymore, too much of the same stuff happening, then I watched food wars or as the original titel says, shokugeki no soma, I liked it a lot, I watched all the seasons and still hadn't had enough of it, after that I watched the first 5 episodes of my dress-up darling, it was fun, but I had to wait a week till the next episode would be put online.

In the meantime I had started college, everything was great until I was done with college, I didn't really have anything to do, nobody would hire me and believe me I've tried, been to several companies and all of them sent me back home, now I had barely enough money to pay my rent and buy some food, so I bought some food and watched food wars again and again, because I really liked it, I watched the 5 seasons a couple of times straight, before I realized my eyes getting heavy and then it hit me, I'd been in there for about a week straight watching food wars, I was happy that I could finish food wars for the 20th time, I realized I died from no sleep and starvation.

I woke up in a white/yellow world, I could see several buildings with signs in front like BNHA or NARUTO, I walked through the city for what felt like forever, when I came across a restaurant like building, that wasn't what shocked me, but what the sign said shocked me, FOOD WARS.

I jumped in joy and went inside to see nobody, it was empty af, I went to the bar and pressed the little bell that was on the bar, I heard someone stumble from the backroom and when he came to the front I asked him where we are, he said we are in the inbetween the world where the soul of every deceased being gets to choose a world to reincarnate in.

I asked what needed to happen to reincarnate and who he was, he told me he was the god of cooking and if I wanted to reincarnate into the world he was the god of I needed to sign a contract, I happily said that I wanted to reincarnate in the world of food wars, he pulled one of my hairs out and made the contract after that.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------contract reincarnate number #007 ; world Food Wars

name: Ayden

family: Nakiri (the family to reincarnate to)

parents and siblings: Nakiri Azami (dad), Nakiri Mana (mom), Nakiri Erina (twin sister)

gifts: god eyes, god tongue, god hands (all awaken at the age of 2), eidetic memory (awaken at birth)

background: born as the twin of Nakiri Erina, but didn't have any gifts like erina at the time so Azami disowned him and put him in an orphanage, Senzaemon doesn't know about this, Mana was too tired so she only remembered that Erina was born and not Ayden, Ayden gets adopted at the age of 2, just before his gifts start developing.

butterfly effect to the world: Yukihira Soma is a brat, spoiled, thinks he is better than everyone else, doesn't care about the rest of the people and is an arrogant bastard.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I ask the god if this is good enough, he tells me it is and he wishes me good luck and says that he upgraded my gifts, but that he wouldn't tell me what he did to them, just that the eidetic memory stayed the same, the last thing that he did was give me his scarf and tell me that I need to put that on my head if I wanted to get serious, then he sent me off.

Let me tell you being born isn't fun at all, it felt I was pushed down a vacuum cleaner and it sucked, it's like puking but everything is getting pushed inwards instead of outwards, once I opened my eyes I could see Azami trying to pick me up and once he looked me over he said "he doesn't have any talent nor does he have any future in cooking, I won't acknowledge him as my son.", after that he wrapped me in cloth put a letter with my first name, age and birthday on it in the cloth with me and then he drove me to the nearest orphanage and drops me in front of the door and knocks on it and then he turns around steps into his car and drives off, a couple of minutes go by until the door was opened and a nice old looking lady came out and looked around who knocked then I start to cry to get her attention then she looks down and sees me and she then picks me up and takes me inside and calls one of the younger matrons and asks her to feed me.

-Time skip 2 years-

I woke up to the head matron waking me up and saying that there would be people that would come today to look for kids to adopt, there were about 10 kids in total in the orphanage including me, so I dressed as nice as I could, I matured much more than the other kids, according to the head matron I had a mature aura surrounding me, half an hour after I put on my best clothes the first couple of the day came by, we stood in a straight line after the couple conversed with the head-matron, they settled on me, after the formalities were done they came to me and said I could go get my stuff since they would be my new parents and after I've taken my stuff to their car we would go somewhere to eat and then give me my present since they told me they've always wanted kids, but nothing worked so they bought a gift for when they would adopt a kid and it was their birthday, my birthday would be around 4pm, but they decided to give me my present earlier and I was happy, it was the bandana the god gave me, after we got to their home they told me to get some sleep since it was a long day and that they would wake me up for dinner.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit my new bed, I wrapped the bandana around my arm for safe keeping and so I wouldn't lose it, once I woke up a couple of hours later I noticed something different with my hands, eyes and tongue, I knew I had awoken my gifts, I walked towards the kitchen to see my new parents set the table for dinner, I didn't tell them what happened, but once eating I could see the rate of the dish, [fish 'n chips] [8/10] [emotions: 10/10], I could tell the dish was made with a lot of love and then we started eating, I noticed a few flaws, but I kept eating nonetheless since it was really tasty, after that we watched some television and then I said goodnight and went to bed.