Chapter 4

This chap will go back to the present day and mc will do the transfer exam, I hope y'all enjoy it.


Ayden pov

'Today is the day that I'll have to take the transfer exam, I hope it'll be good.'

As soon as I arrived I saw how big it was, it left me staring at the walls in disbelieve at how big it was, I saw a couple of guys pleading the security to let his son stay for a big donation, but the security didn't spare him another glance.

As I arrived at the gate I asked one of the security guys where the transfer exam was held and they kindly told me where it was.

'I'm already running a bit late, I'll have to hurry if I want to be on time.'

As I opened the doors to the room where the transfer exam was held everyone inside was running away.

I grabbed one of the closest people and asked "Why is everyone running away?"

"Dude, you should run for your life, Nakiri Erina is our judge, you won't survive this."

"We shall see."

As I walked in almost everyone else was running away scared, there was only one person besides me here, he had red spiky hair and an aura that said I'm better than all of you.

I heard him speak "so we just have to make a dish with egg as the main ingredient?"

Erina confirmed it and then looked at us and said "So there are 2 people brave enugh to chalange me, I hope you will satify my tongue."

I thought to myself 'I so need to change her attitude, it's driving me nuts.'

As soon as we stepped into the kitchen I went searching for ingredients for my dish, I had decided to make a quiche, on the other hand the arrogant dude went and told Erina and her assistant that he'll make her say that his dish is delicious, I couldn't help but shake my head, because from the moment I layed eyes on Erina, I could tell that she wouldn't say it was delicious, but that it was disgusting and Erina's assistant is pretty cute and beautifull, she may lack in some areas, but still, she's pretty.

I did the cooking not as fast as possible like the arrogant guy with red hair, because I wanted my dish to be near-perfect.

As I inspected his dish, since he was already done and served it, I couldn't help but shake my head.

[name: seasoning transforming rice]

[rate: 4/10]

[emotions: -5/10]

'Damn, that dudes only thinking about making her say it's delicious and makes the emotions and quality go down a whole lot.'

As I expected Erina asked her assistent, who I learned was called hisako, for the trash can and she spit it out and told him "There is so much wrong with this dish, it lacks a lot, you didn't put your heart into it, so the quality went down a whole lot, it was really disgusting, get out of here, NOW!'

As soon as he left I pulled out my quiche from the oven and presented it to them and I cut 4 pieces from it, Erina asked me, "Why are you cutting 4 pieces?, we're only with 3 people in the room."

I answered with "Well, one piece for you, one piece for the pretty lady besides you, one for me and one for gramps behind the door."

She looked at me with disbelieve and I said "You can come on out gramps, we know you were behind the door listening to the whole thing since we entered the kitchen."

As soon as I said that, Senzaemon walked out from behind the door laughing and said "You still have a great instinct Ayden, you got it from your mother and luckily for as far as I know you didnt inherit anything from your father apart from your god eyes."

Erina and Hisako stood there shocked and took a little while to recover, Erina asked "What is the meaning of this grandpa, why is he calling you gramps and why are you acting so familiar with him?"

Senzaemon looked at me and I nodded, then he told Erina everything that has happened from my childhood till now, well he told her the parts which he knows, Erina was shocked and immediately asked me which gifts I possesed and I answered with "I have gods eyes, which let's me see the name, rate and emotions of a dish, I have god hands which make all my dishes pretty good and I can handle any kitchenware no matter what it is and lastly the god tongue, I can taste everything in a dish from the temperature to the rate and emotions in a dish, I can tell all the things that are wrong with a dish and I'm always happy to help my twin-sister and her beautiful assistant."

Erina looked at me with stars in her eyes and Hisako looked at me with a small blush and she also had stars in here eyes, I looked at my dish and I was happy with my dish how it turned out.

[name: quiche]


[emotions: 9/10]

I said "Enjoy the meal." and we all took our part and ate it, I saw Erina almost falling to the ground with tears in her eyes, Hisako also fell to the ground, but she had a huge blush on her face as well as a huge smile, gramps went bare-naked and I laughed and said it could still be improved.

After that was all done, gramps invited me to stay at the Nakiri mansion, I asked if dad was still around, he said dad wasn't around, so I gladly accepted the invitation to stay with them in the mansion, I hugged gramps and Erina while Erina was crying out of happiness, after she was done crying, I walked up to Hisako and gave her a big hug, what I didn't see was that Erina and gramps were smiling at us and that they put up their thumbs to Hisako, I wouldn't know about this until much later.


Author here, this is a longer chap than yesterday, which I'm happy about, next chap will be uploaded on saturday and it'll be from a couple of other perspectives, so I hope y'all will enjoy it.