Chapter 11 New Toys

When the Black Wolves decided to attack the Nefarious Sword, their decision didn't go unnoticed. Almost everyone in Ashbourne City knew of this news, and they all waited for the outcome with bated breath. This piece of historical event would decide how they would live their life. If the Black Wolves win, then the norm would led a happy life with no one to bully them. But if they lost, then who knew what those angry cultivators would do to them.

A city-scale massacre was not impossible since the cultivator only needed the spiritual crystal in Boiling Volcano. The lives of the mortals were not of their concern.

So every mortal, rich or poor, men or women, prayed sincerely. They closed their eyes and clasped their hands at their homes, bars, bedroom, and even at the toilet.

Naturally, this news also reached Hax and Bodin.

The forge room where Hax manufactured the pistol got larger. Sixty muscled men crafted parts after parts with full effort. When they heard that their work could help the battle against Nefarious Swords, they forgot about the gold coins that Hax offered and found a new motivation for their effort.

With one hundred thousand gold coins, Bodin used his connections and knowledge to gain more material and manpower.

The simple warehouse that Bodin used to store items now had turned into a full-fledged fortress. He also bought the land around it and turned them into defensive towers where dozens of men stood guard.

Hundreds more workers worked around the fortress. They moved wood and steel on their shoulders. It was used to build walls and other defensive assets. The mortals in Ashbourne and many other cities that had the craft to help had rushed to Barmwich.

Bodin offered them hundreds of gold coins to use their craftsmanship. They gladly refused. They had learned that Hax could lift the strength of mortals. They didn't have the heart to ask for payment from someone like that.

And with thousands of mortals men working together, the city of Barmwich had turned into a great shell of defense.

Hax couldn't help but worry when he saw everyone being serious about his safety. He didn't understand how much power a cultivator wields. Gaelin, Bodin's bodyguard, who was a cultivator never showed Hax his power.

"Since everyone is so serious, then I should get serious too."

Hax had built some advanced parts with the help of the system. It took weeks for him to build each of these parts, mostly because the material needed to build it needed to be mixed with other materials.

For example, aluminum was made out of Alumina and Bauxite. Creating aluminum from both of these materials was not easy in a world where there was no technology at all. Thankfully the system helped him by showing the creation process in the most primitive way possible.

Now all he needed to do was to assemble the manufacturing bot. Thankfully he taught sixty men how to make the low-caliber pistols, so the number of pistols and ammunitions were abundant. He also ordered them to teach more people, so they could create more.

Bodin happily brought more men into his forge. And the craftsmen excitedly expanded his forge room.

"Alright, now how do I assemble them?" Hax stood in front of his personal workshop table. It was made out of steel with a lot of tools scattered on it.

The blueprint panel appeared out of thin air and showed him how to assemble the manufacturing bot.

"Just follow the blueprint," Hax said to himself.

He started to assemble the manufacturing bot. It didn't give much of a challenge since all he needed was to follow the tutorial step by step. Even a child could do this. But the knowledge he bought from the system was not for nothing. As he followed the steps, he also tweaked and changed things here and there. It increased the performance of the bot by as much as 30%.

That was a lot since he did not need to incorporate any more materials into it. Though, he could not increase its processing speed because he did not have the right knowledge. He needed to have in computer sciences or information engineering to do that.

After a few hours, Hax finished his assembly and precess a round button on the bot.

The belly side lit up with blue lights and it hovered. The manufacturing bot looked like a bee twice the size of his head. It had a big mouth that acted as a printer and 8 mechanical limbs that held various tools.

"Haha! With this, I can print pistols without tiring my hands."

He could also modify the pistol and let the bot print it out. The bot was supposed to be an assistance bot, but because Hax didn't have any big project, he only needed its printing feature.

"It can also print out parts necessary to make manufacturing bots. The more I have of it, the more I can make it!"

If he had thousands of Manufacturing bots, then he would not need to teach anyone how to make a pistol. This bot could do all the work!

"Let's see if you work according to your specs."

Hax turned it around and used the screen on the back of the bot. He draw the pistol schematics and modified its barrel to be a little longer. Furthermore, he changed its cartridges and increased its size to fit it with bigger bullets.

Bigger bullets equal bigger power.

He also didn't forget to insert the schematics for the bullet.

Since everyone was so worried, then getting a better weapon would calm their nerves.

When he was done, he put the necessary materials inside its mouth and activated the printing function. The manufacturing bot trembled and closed its mouth. It processed the material for a few minutes before it opened its mouth and a pistol appeared.

"So quick!" With this speed, he didn't even need to modify its program.

Hax grabbed the pistol. It was made out of wood and steel. There was no imperfection on its surface. The grip, the barrel, the handle were all according to the schematics.

"It's heavier."

Hax grabbed the bullet from the bot's mouth. He fired at the shooting dummy and it threw the dummy dozens of meters back.

Smoke came out of the large hole in its chest.

"It's powerful and a lot more accurate. But the recoil is high. And the bullet used more gunpowder."

The weight, recoil, and resources it had and needed were high. But it achieved much more firepower than the low-caliber pistol. Yet does this trade-off an advantage in his book?

"Only someone with strong arms should use this pistol continuously or else it will break their hand."

[Congratulations! For creating an improved model of an existing blueprint, you have been awarded 40 access points]

That was a surprise. He didn't expect to get any access points from any sources except the mission. But it was good to know that there were other ways to get it. He could create more variants and saved up to get more knowledge. With more knowledge, he could create stronger weapons or stronger variants.

"With stronger weapons, I can become richer and stronger. Haha! Of course, I also want to know my past and find a way to get back to my old universe."

He wanted to see what the war machine system could offer him. If he could find a stronger blueprint then that would speed up his ambition.

The blueprint panel appeared, showing Hax various categories that it offered. At the top of the list, it showed: Auxiliary bots. Followed by Firearm, Power Suits, Mechs, and Starships.

Wow. Power suits, Mechs, and Starships. These three categories were the best in his opinion.

Hax clicked on the power suit category. It showed various kinds of suits that employ full body armor. Different from ordinary armor, this suit gave the user extra parameters such as mobility, range of motion, maximum load, and firepower.

There were suits that were so big and heavy that made it almost impossible to move around with them. But the various missiles, Vulcan canon, and other armaments on it made the power suit seem so deadly.

In contrast, there were suits that were thin and light. It primarily gave extra parameters in mobility and range of motion.

Each of these suits was compatible in different missions and environments. There were suits for deep waters, and there were suits for high-temperature environments.

All these power suits made Hax tremble in excitement.

"Now how do I get them?"

[To receive a blueprint the user must complete a mission]

"Is it possible to buy them with access points?"

[To encourage the user to expand more knowledge and become an independent engineer, the system has decided to lock the feature]

"Dammit! That's not fair!"

"At least give me one of those starship blueprints."

[Insufficient access]

Hax sighed. "Alright, then just give me a mission so I can get some blueprints. I don't care how hard it is. I just want those power suits!"

[Request confirmed]

[Please check your mission panel]

Hax did as told.

[Congratulations. You have completed your first mission 'Selfless Endeavor']

[You have been rewarded with 1 blueprint '3D Printer Blueprint']

He had forgotten about this mission. He was just too busy teaching people and making pistols. With the completion of this mission, it meant that the low-caliber pistol had been sold for a price that even the poor could buy them.

"3D printer? I already have that."

The manufacturing bot he had assembled could print out parts like a printer.

"Let's just check it out."

Hax opened the blueprint panel and clicked on the 3D printer. What he saw made his eyes widen. Standing as large as a building, this enormous printer churned out engines, power suits, and even mechs in a span of a minute.

"This is too powerful. I can print out pistols in bulk If I have this."

Using this printer for making pistols was too extravagant. It should only be used to print power suits at a minimum.

"It's fine. Who cares if I use this powerful printer to make cheap pistols."

Hax put the blueprint aside. "Where is my next mission?"


Mission: Start a Rebellion

Requirement: Humanity had learned that only by uniting their mind power could they conquer the universe. They are weak and less capable compared to the billions of alien races prowling in space. What they don't have, they filled with numbers. Using their collective mind, humanity shed all their differences and united under the same banner. Please start a kingdom-wide rebellion to put every variant of humans in the same place.

Reward: 1 random power suit blueprint

Hax blinked. "Dear lord."