Chapter 45 Foulclaws

"It's do or die for us now," Balmar said.

"Whatever you are looking for, it's better be worth it," Goras said. "Everyone! Fire whenever you are ready. Those monsters aren't going to kill themselves."

The Prime Soldiers tucked their weapons, aiming. Not long after, the Endless Moor exploded with the blaring sound of gunfire. The BC-79 was like a roaring dragon. It spewed a cone of flame out of the barrels, flashing the colorless landscape with lights.

In the distance, the beasts screamed and fell by the hundred. They died wave after wave. Stepping over the corpse, these creatures screeched as they charged towards the Prime Soldiers.

The air reeked of gunpowder and metal. Balmar could handle it at first, but the scent became nauseating. Bullets kept on raining down in rhythm. The horde of beasts didn't have the chance to approach as they died the moment the bullets pierced a large hole in their bodies. The hole was enough for a few bottles of beer to fit in. Sometimes the bullet was so powerful that it pierced through three monsters at once, killing them ruthlessly.

Under the barrage of more than four hundred Prime Soldiers, the Foulclaws were shredded like linen. Blood splashed, covering the moor with greenish, yellow goo.

"The monsters are being pushed back," Goras said. "We can win this battle."

"Not so fast. Remember that our soldiers need to reload, the delay would give the beast a time window for them to advance."

His analysis was true. When the Prime Soldiers reloaded, the beast sprinted towards them at an alarming speed. In every direction, and even beyond the horizon, the Foulclaws covered the land. The beast reached a distance where it could threaten the army, but after reloading, the Prime Soldiers immediately pulled the trigger in full blast, pushing the beasts back once again.

The acidic scent of their blood drifted. Mixed that with the thick smell of gunpowder and it was enough to intoxicate him.

"That was dangerously close," Goras said. If our men were late to push them back just by a little bit, our whole formation would be destroyed."

A bullet shot through a monster's head and it exploded, splattering blood all over.

"That is true," Balmar said. "We need to divide the soldier into two teams. One team will attack and hold the monsters back while the other is reloading."

"That's impossible. If we do that then our overall firepower will reduce and some monster might slip in. Even though each Prime Soldiers were heavily armed, we only have around four hundred of them."

The Prime Soldiers ran out of ammunition again. They hastened to reload their weapon and fired again but some of the monsters got close and slashed with their claws.


The Prime Soldiers pulled out their sword and attacked. They shot the other monsters as the one they'd cut fell in half.

"We need to think of something quick. These monsters are dangerously close," Goras said.

Balmar frowned. His stomach hurt from all the nauseating smell. Now that the beast died close to them, the sickening scent became much stronger. What should he do? All these blaring sounds and awful smells made it hard to think.

Veins pulsed on his forehead. "I have an idea. We divide the soldier into two teams. One will only use swords while the other should stand on top of the carriage to provide support."

"No way. The soldiers would tire themselves."

"We can have them rotate. The rotation would give the monsters a time window, but it's better than the current situation."

"The carriage couldn't possibly hold their weight. The power suit, the blade, and their gun combined almost reached 300 KG in weight."

"Then let them stand on the magic bulls. Those creatures are strong enough to hold almost any weight."

Goras nodded and tell the messengers the order. It wasn't possible to shout his order with all the explosive sounds. Balmar could barely hear Goras speak any word.

The messengers urged them horses. They quickly approached the captain of each squad and they further relayed the order to their subordinates. The Prime Soldiers complied. One team put the BC-79 on their back and brandished their sword before charging towards the beast. The beasts were twice taller than them.

But these men wrestled a bear for a side job. Not literally. Size didn't scare them. The soldier maneuvered around, dodging claws and bites before stabbing their sword through the jaw of the creature. The wavy pattern on the blade gleamed as it pierced through the brain.

The Prime Soldier pulled it out and cut off the creature's neck. Two pairs of beast pounced on him, they bared their fangs ready to devour them whole. Too bad for these creatures, the Prime Soldiers had climbed on the magic Bulls and were finally firing their weapons to provide support. Each Prime Soldier had two Prime Squire with them. Their primary task is to provide ammunition when needed. The ammunition restricted their movement quite a bit. Bringing the BC-79 and the Doom Sword was already hard enough. This was why they let other people bring the ammunition for them.

Naturally, these assistants didn't follow the first group who were currently cutting monsters in the front line. They would die if they do that.

The beast got pushed further and further. The Prime Soldiers went to work. One team cutting them down and the other blasting them apart with bullets. The close-range team also didn't need to worry about their safety since the long-range team focused on supporting them. They could cut any monster they like without worrying about getting jumped.

Balmar saw some talents among the close-range team. They moved supernaturally, twirling the Doom Sword in their hand and slashed left and right."

"The monsters are being pushed back again. I wonder how many have we killed. We don't even lose a single soldier."

Balmar nodded. "Imagine if we have the power suit when we fought the Royal Army. Those guys won't stand a chance against us."

The Prime swordsman weaved nimbly. They seemed to get better at what they were doing as time passed. Some claw attack and bite found their way to the armor, but the armor bounced them off while only receiving a few dents and marks.

As the Prime Soldiers cut a monster in half, their movement turned sluggish all of a sudden. They couldn't raise their blade and the monsters kept trying to pounce on them as the long-range team shoot them down.

"Oh no." Balmar shook.

"What happens to them?"

"They ran out of battery!"