Chapter 51 I Like The Name

Hax and the others waited for the flame to dissipate. The aftermath was a completely burned hill, with a crater in the middle. The crater was enough to fit in 8 crates, and it still had more room to fit two bottles of beer.

"How do we get more starbarks and flamedust?" Hax asked.

"From what I heard we can only get starbarks in the magical forest. They are quite rare, but not so much because cultivators didn't need them. The problem is the flamedust. We can only get it in the Boiling Volcano."

"We'll about to take the Boiling Volcano for ourselves."

"And all the flamedust will be ours?"

Hax smiled. "Precisely. We'll wait for the first Prime Soldiers to return from their training. They will lead the charge against the Nefarious Sword. We'll see what they can do against my army."

"Are you guys going to war?" Adam asked. "Who are you fighting with?"

Hax and Gorre looked at each other.

"Bodin didn't tell you?" Hax asked.

Adam shook his head. "He only told me about you and what I will do."

"What we're fighting with is the cultivators."

"What?!" Adam was shocked. "How is that possible?"

"Oh it is possible," Gorre said. "In fact, our army have defeated the Royal Army."


Gorre laughed. "Just ask everyone else if you don't believe me."

Hax nodded. "You can ask around. Now let's test your invention," He said to Ratha.

Ratha turned silent. "My explosive ball is not that powerful."

"I know," Hax said, grabbing the ball out of her hand. "The material that Gorre use to make the bullets are extremely special and rare. Even I don't understand its complete properties. What about you. What resources do you need to make this exploding ball." The word came out of his tongue unnaturally.

"I just use your refined gunpowder and put them inside this ball."

"And the ball is made out of simple iron?"

"Ye—yes. Is it bad?"

"No. It simply means that it's easy to produce. We have so much iron and gunpowder now. The Ravager might be powerful, but I could make ten thousand explosive balls at the same cost. That doesn't mean your product is better or worse."

"That's true," Gorre said. "In fact, with the cost of your exploding ball, it is possible that your creation will be used a lot. And mine will only be used when it is necessary."

"I see," Ratha said. "I'll work harder to make something better."

Hax nodded. "Don't be lazy again. Motivation is temporary, discipline is eternal."

Ratha nodded. "I will."

"Now let's test its power," Hax said. "Get me a torch."

One of the Prime Guards walked away and returned with a torch. It was very convenient to have subordinates at your every beck and call. All around him were Prime Guards. They realized that Hax was very vulnerable, and after the demonstration of the Prime Gear, his importance skyrocketed. This was why every Prime Soldier available would guard around him, Creating a defensive perimeter.

Hax grabbed the torch in one hand and the exploding ball in the other. The fuse was too short. This made him hesitate to ignite it. It could explode before it got enough distance.

Ratha stared at him.

He sighed. This would kill him if it went wrong. Hax ignited the fuse and immediately threw it towards the statue. It still stood with a large gap in the chest area. And just like he predicted, the ball exploded in the air, a few meters away from the statue.

The ball shattered and shot in every direction, sending hot shrapnel away. It struck the statue, creating small holes on its surface.

It wasn't bad. It wasn't as explosive as the wagon tricks that Nesterin used, but the shrapnels made it much better. One thing about a small explosive like this was much of the damage didn't come from the explosion itself. It came from the shrapnels. Those small little fragments heated and pushed by the explosions caused terrifying damage.

"Well done," Hax said. "We'll make a fine beehive on our enemy's face with this.'

Ratha laughed. It seemed she took it as a joke. What would her reactions be if she saw the pain and misery her victims would experience. It was better for them not to see it. They could stay in the backline, creating deadly weapons one after another without knowing the suffering of their enemy.

It was better that way.

"Let's modify this explosive ball," Hax said.

"What will you change?" Ratha asked.

"Let's get inside the workshop."

Hax and the others returned to the workshop, behind them, Prime Guards followed and guarded the door. They went inside and Hax grabbed a parchment under the table. He drew the explosive ball, then he drew the outer layer, and the gunpowder in separate spaces. This let them see the overall look, and the anatomy of the explosive ball.

Then, he drew small boxes inside the outer layer, right between it and the gunpowder.

"What are those small boxes for?" Ratha asked.

Hax didn't reply and drew small balls inside these boxes. He then presented the drawing. "You see those small balls inside the boxes?"

They nodded.

"You see it yourselves when the ball exploded. The ball shattered into pieces and these pieces struck the statues. That's where the damage came from. So when the explosive ball exploded, the ball will shatter and these small balls will shoot out in all directions. Any cultivator nearby will receive a lot of damage from these balls."

"I am very uncomfortable at how many times you said balls, but I like your idea," Gorre said. "It's just… Can we change the name?"

"No," Ratha said. "I like the name."

Gorre sighed. "You innocent child. You'll regret this decision when you're older."

"Then what do you suggest?"

"What about explosive testicl—"

Hax shut his mouth with a cloth. "Ignore him. The name is already good enough."

Hax and the others discussed the modification for a while. He also taught them a few things about how the Weler-150 could lift a heavyweight. The implementation of the lever mechanism amazed them greatly. Such a simple thing could do something so marvelous.

Adam wasn't having it though. Only when Hax turned the subject to BC-79 did his eyes shine like the sun.

"So how does the BC-79 withstand the pressure? The gunpowder that you made is much more powerful than ordinary gunpowder. I've tested it and it almost took out my arm."

Hax should make a lab for them. Gorre and Adam experimented on some dangerous materials that he worried they might lose their life at any time.

"I will tell the builders to make a workshop for each of you. And if you want to experiment with something, call a doctor to accompany you. I don't want any of you to die because of an accident."

Adam nodded. "Okay, but you haven't told me how the gun withstands the pressure."

"It's the spring and the materials. The BC-79 is not made out of pure iron. In fact, most of it was made out of steel alloys, because iron is too brittle."

"So that's how. I was so confused as how the gun stayed functional even after all of that recoil. A man would break their arm if they use the gun."

Hax rolled the parchment. "It's why only the Prime Soldiers or soldiers with Weler-150 are allowed to wield them. The Doom Swords too are very heavy and unwieldy. It is impossible for the norm to use it with their own strength."