Chapter 60 Prime Hunter

The Prime Soldiers strode in with big, graceful steps. Their feet thundered the ground, seemingly telling anyone that they are warriors produced by blood and sweat. Their silence made them seemed more mysterious.

What happened to them?

Goras walked in the lead. Behind him, the Prime Soldiers marched in synchronized steps. When Goras stopped in front of him, they stomped the ground at the same time.

Hax squinted his eyes. It's only been around two days. What did they went through to exude this aura?

"Where's? Balmar?"

"He's dead."

"I see."

Tears welled up in the man's eyes. He was fragile. A little push and he'd break. But a sword must be smelted and hammered to strengthen it.


Hax tapped the man's shoulder. "Then you will continue his legacy. The men behind you will be the Prime Hunter. They are yours and forever will be

He will hammer it with care and compassion.