Chapter 64 Physic Power

"Shoot them! Don't let them get close," the captain shouted. They also brought BC-79 with them, but they were not focusing on firing the enemy.

There was reason for this. Their primary task was to coordinate the army to retreat, advance, circle, or other complex maneuver. It was hard to do so without a clear awareness of the situation.

The cultivators that ran towards them were completely eliminated. Hax wanted quick victory and he had bring all of his soldiers here. With more than one hundred thousands soldiers shooting at them, there was no way they could survive.

The captains pointed towards the other temples.

"Shoot that one. Quick! Quick!"

The soldiers quickly loaded the ball thrower and fired. Repeating that same scene in another temple.

"One temple has fallen, sir," The master messenger reported.

Hax sighed. "I can see that."