Chapter 89 Loved Ones

Ratha sat on the bed inside her cave. She hugged Bubble in her arms as she looked around at the stones around her.

She wasn't used to living inside a cave. It felt weird. Like her whole world was contained inside a small box. Back in the day, she had slept inside a small container knowing that if she open the door, an expansive world would greet her. But now, everything seemed so crammed. It was hard for her to breathe sometime when she thought about this.

"Bubble. I'm scared." She tightened her arms around the cat. The cat licked her face to soothe her.

Her bracelet flickered, rushing a cold sensation to her arm and then into her heart. It calmed her down. The suffocation feeling disappeared.

She looked at the bracelet. Curious. Her cat bit on it. "You also think there's something special about this bracelet?"

The cat licked the red jade bracelet. Ratha sometimes saw it flickered red then dimmed down again.