Chapter 91 Grand Administrator

After touring a bunch of places, Nesterin led the group to the cafeteria. It was supposed to be a kitchen, but the army had dug more space and put some chairs and tables in it.

The place was brimming with people, bringing plates and glasses filled with tasty food and iced drinks. They chatted with their friends as they enjoyed the meal.

"Wow, everyone can drink with ice now?"

"Yep," Nesterin said. "Apparently, the spiritual crystal can make the temperature cool enough to freeze water. Hax asked a few of them to change this crystal for hot water spring and as cooler."

Jharteel was amazed. "The crystal I saw on the farm also creates water out of nothing, and now it can make hot or cold air. What else can they make?"

"I don't give a bloody hell what else they can make. After finishing my meal, I will go to the hot spring," Gormon said.

"Me too," Zeno followed.