Chapter 111 Help

Jharteel let out a breath of relief and exhaustion. The battle was hard. Really hard. Even though he and the other soldiers had trained every day, the field experience was something else.

A lot of the soldiers got so tired that they started to sleep on the floor.

Jharteel smiled. These men were brave men. He was thankful that he could fight alongside them. Not just anyone could stay calm and fight in the face of death itself.

From on top of the wall, Jharteel saw the soldiers below were exhausted too. He noticed that the ground was covered in black blood. 'Did something happen?'

Did the undead break through the wall?! Jharteel frowned when he saw large holes on the ground. Then he saw the corpses of huge worms.

These worms could burrow under the wall! 

He didn't notice it earlier because he was so focused on fighting at the front line. Numerous undead armies rushing to the wall did not give him any time to be distracted.