Chapter 123 Self-propelled Artillery project

Hax, Ratha, Gorre, and Adam gathered in the workshop.

"I gathered all of you here for one single purpose; to make a stronger weapon. Do you have any suggestion?"

Adam raised his hand. "What if we make gigantic sniper rifle and give a super gigantic bullet?"

Ratha stepped forward. "What about making an even bigger explosives?"

Gorre sipped on his juice. Everyone was looking at him. "What do you expect from me? All I can do is make plastic."

Hax leaned forward, both hands on the table. "This is very serious, because we're not going to stay inside the fortress, we're going to attack. And for this attack to succeed, we need something that can paralyze or even kill a fourth-stage undead. Currently, only the Ravager bullet have a small possibility to wound a fourth-stage being."

"Why not we turn the Ravager bullet into a bomb?" Ratha said. "We need explosion!"