Chapter 133 Hell

Torment slammed the hand rest of his throne and it disintegrated into dust. He stood up and approached his servant with a hostile stare. "You've failed?"

The servant didn't dare to look at him and kept his head to the ground. "The enemy is too powerful, master."

Torment took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He raised his fist and swung down. The servant's head exploded.

And then he went on a rampage, dashing towards the other undead and punched their guts. Their whole body exploded into black liquid that splattered everywhere.

Torment kicked the pillars and it snapped off the ceiling and spun to the other pillars, destroying them. The throne hall lose its support and then fell down.

But before the rubbles could touch him, they glowed in thick purple energy and floated up before they returned to their position. Now, the throne hall was held by this purple energy.