Chapter 138 The Fane of Broken World

Raydal Waste deserve its last name. It was a complete waste land with no sign of life. No air breezed through the land, no water flowed on its surface, no men trod upon its lifeless hills.

The fort of Raydal Waste lay in the center where undead toiled for thousands of years, mining and collecting the spiritual crystals for their lord.

The fort wasn't exactly a fort. It was just a mountain with a large hole on top of it. No enemies have come here to attack, so the lord didn't bother to build any fortification. Only a castle stood tall near the mining site.

Just like any other day for thousands of years, the undead clawed the earth, picked the crystal and put it in their bag. Later, they had to store it in the castle. The only one who had the power to distribute the crystals was their lord. These undead weren't that smart, so they didn't have the thought about stealing it. Stupid things were obedient after all.