'Rescue mission' Chapter 2

Yoon Taemin stared at the narrator with pitiful eyes.

[ I get it, so stop doing that ].

The narrator let out a sigh as Yoon Taemin's face light up.

Yoon Taemin was not that of a perverted person but in his whole life he has never interacted with the opposite gender, including his mother.

[ I am warning you , she is the little sister of the guy you just met. So staying in a distance is good for you ].

Yoon Taemin was just pissed at this point even his face became red.

( I can't get anything free in life can I, not to mention this shitty bastard has a sister as sweet as a pie.)

Yoon Taemin faced at the narrator as he spoke, " why?, is he gonna kill me for talking to his sister?".

The narrator was a little nervous even if it isn't shown properly. [I doubt he is gonna kill you].

Yoon Taemin tilt his head, "What?"

[ Nothing hahaha, her name is Hana and she is 20 by the way].

Yoon Taemin felt a little suspicious of narrator but he decided to ignore it. After the conversation both of them watched at the right to see Hana standing all alone just smiling and holding the plates.

"Is your little chit chat done? mind having some food then".

(Wahhhh! we forgot about her, I am such a horrible person) Yoon Taemin panicked and jumped out of the bed once again.


Hana was just staring at the dude as he stupidly fell out of bed.

"Umm are you okay?"

Hana asked.

Yoon Taemin stood up and brushed off the non existing dust from his pants.

"I am fine you can put the plates down, or your hands will hurt".

Hana didn't really say anything but her face showed that her hands were already hurting.

"Understood, I am leaving then".

Yoon Taemin let out a big sigh as he looked at the narrator, "What were you asking help for again?".

[ As a author how can you forget you're own storyline].

Yoon Taemin scratched his head as he became nervous, " I don't know haha".

The narrator stayed silent for quite a while before speaking,

[ The scenario is soon gonna start in the broken city at north, the female lead she is there.]


"What are we waiting for then?! shouldn't that bastard save her".

The narrator once again was silent but this time he was just thinking of how dumb this person is.

[ That's what I asked help for, he is not gonna go so make him agree you duck!].

Yoon Taemin confidently went to the door, but before opening the door he turned back once again.

"How is he gonna agree to me?".

The narrator was done with him, [ You are ....special I guess, now please go or I will kill you before the scenario does.]

Yoon Taemin was confused but suddenly he got overflowing confidence flowing through his body.

( Right, I am the author why would I get scared of the Main character, I am special!).

Yoon Taemin kept walking and walking until a door came in front of him, he knocked it three times.

"It's me!" he said with a loud voice. The door in front of him opened automatically. As soon as he entered the room he saw a man sitting in front of him writing something. He looked around to make sure what he thinks was correct.

"Are you the guy I talked with before?".

"Yes. you're right" The man replied with a smile.

Yoon Taemin was quite for a long time, he never thought someone he met a few minutes ago will feel this familiar.

(My heart it's beating like crazy, am I nervous or scared I can't tell).

"So what are you here for?". The question made Yoon Taemin come back from his thoughts.

" Oh! I-i um ca-came...."

Yoon Taemin was at a lose of words, perhaps he was still getting used to this place or it was something unknown for him.

" Are you okay?" The stranger asked.

"Y-yes" The lost of words made Yoon Taemin flabbergasted .

(What did this bastard do to me?!).

The stranger suddenly stood up and came forward to Yoon Taemin giving him a helping hand. Yoon Taemin had no reason to deny it. He relied on the unknown man he has known for a few minutes without doubting as if it was someone he knew.

"Let's sit and take a rest ok? then tell me what's you're problem".

The person who bought him here without giving him a peaceful death was in front of him.

(This person is supposed to be hated but I can't do that, I am not cruel enough to do that to someone who is helping me.)

Yoon Taemin was furious yet he couldn't do anything.

"No need to be angry just breathe in and out".

Yoon Taemin shifted his head towards the opposite side as he breathe in and out.

(Bastard I can clearly see you're fake ass smile)

Yoon Taemin's heartbeat slowly calmed down. he shifted his head back to the stranger as he asked,

"What's you're name?"

It was rather quick but both of the sides got surprised, for Yoon Taemin that was just utterly spoken nonsense that came out of his mouth but for the man in front of him it was a flash of past memories perhaps.

"Ugh! sorry didn't mean to ask you that".

There was no reply from the other person. They both stayed in awkward silence for quite a while before speaking.


Yoon Taemin shook his head, because he couldn't believe that dude finally spoke.


The stranger lowered his head as he repeated the words,

" My name is Kim Yeong-Hee"

Yoon Taemin was also silent for a while after hearing his name,

Yoon Taemin stood up as he fixed his clothes.

"Let's go bastard!"

The stranger looked up with dull eyes after hearing those words as if someone asked his life from him.


Yoon Taemin moved back from the stranger.

(What a deadly aura).

"We're going on a rescue mission, and I am just tagging along I guess?".

Yeong Hee looked quite worried after hearing the spoken words, a while later he stood up and started walking towards the exit.

(Looks like I am really a special person in this story kekeke).

They both walked to their way together in the first mission even though Yoon Taemin is powerless with no skills.

[ That was cringe -.-]